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慢慢地,温柔地,夜色铺开锦缎。Slowly, gently, night unfurls splendor.

下午好!请问有真丝锦缎吗?Good afternoon. Do you have brocades of natural silk?

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更重要的是比冰山更正式用锦缎软垫椅子?What's more formal than a bergere chair upholstered in damask?

流动的丝和重重的锦缎可以很容易与这种风格相搭配。Flowing silks and heavy brocades can be easily maneuvered into this style.

东六宫也做为仓库存放着茶和一些锦缎。East of the Six Palaces lie the store-houses for tea and some of the brocades.

如果现在停止,和剪断织布机上的锦缎有什么区别?Now, you've stopped halfway. Isn't it the same as cutting the brocade on the loom?

那时的天空就像是由无数闪亮的钻石装饰而成的蓝色锦缎。At that time, the sky was like blue damask decorated by millions of bright diamonds.

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金笔装在一个锦缎小盒里,再用一条大度的绸带系在外面。The fountain pen is placed in a satin-covered small box. lined with terrific silk ribbon.

他穿的是最柔软的红色天绒长袍,衣袖很紧,有蕾丝和锦缎修饰。He wore a tunic of the softest red velvet, with tight sleeves trimmed with lace and brocade.

四端床柱在上方形成一个架子,并铺上和床罩同样的锦缎。The four posters of the bed form the frame for the canopy, laid with the same brocade as the bedding.

此期间的宽大的裙子是精妙锦缎、花纹料子的陈列柜,现在由法国生产。The ample skirts of the period were a showcase for the exquisite damasks now being produced in France.

象鹰双翼展开在地上,她的锦缎长外衣拉起在她大腿上,她在咯咯地笑中间奚落着他。Spread-eagled on the floor, her brocaded gown hitched up above her thighs, she taunted him between giggles.

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我们是互相交错的经纬,被岁月织成锦缎,与虚无的结局丝丝相扣。We are each other 's latitude and longitude, by years of weaving brocade, and nihilistic ending silk buckles.

她穿锦缎的裙子搭配着蕾丝衬裙,小巧双脚上的鞋永远都搭配着她丝绸般的发带。She wore brocade dresses with lace petticoats . The shoes on her little feet always matched her satin hair bands.

我们是相互交错的经纬,被岁月织成锦缎,与虚无的结局丝丝入扣。We are mutually staggered Jingwei, by years of weaving brocade, and nihilistic ending all threads neatly tied up.

鞋服采用浓艳灿烂的锦缎,刺绣丝绸和喷漆上色的皮革材料。Materials for shoes and dresses were rich and splendid and included brocades , embroidered silks and painted leathers.

穿着锦缎旗袍的中国女人、举止潇洒的中国生意人以及官员与国际组织交往着。Chinese women in brocade gowns and smartly suited Chinese businessmen and officials mingled with the international set.

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小巷不需要华丽的灯光照耀,不需要珍贵的锦缎铺垫,它用的是岁月的变更来修饰自己的面貌。There is need to be light, does not need the precious brocade upholstery, it is time to change to modify his appearance.

利用提花工艺织造的织物包括锦缎、花缎以及一些床单织物。Examples of fabrics woven by Jacquard techniques include damask, tapestry, brocade, brocatelle , and some bedspread fabrics.

村子里有织工在窗子小小的黑暗肮脏的小房间里编织着最美丽的锦缎和丝质纱丽。In the village were weavers producing the most beautiful brocade and silk saris in dark dingy little rooms with small windows.