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文职人员三五成群在阳光下聊天。Civilians in little knots chatted in the sunshine.

人民解放军的干部包括军官和文职干部。Cadres of the PLA include officers and non- ranking cadres.

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他将在九月份开始他在中央情报局的新的文职工作。He will start his new civilian job at the CIA in September.

但军方现在完全由文职人员领导。But the military is now completely under civilian leadership.

他甚至指责他以前手下的文职人员象“老爷兵”。He even accused his former civil servants of being like Dad's Army.

军队文职干部是国家干部队伍的组成部分。The Civilian officer is a part of government official organization.

所有这些都必须联系到中国的文职-军队关系来看。All of this must be seen in the context of civilian-military relations in China.

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唐尼和费克图被说成是陆军部的文职雇员。Downey and Fecteau were identified as Department of the Army civilian employees.

他说,他将向阿富汗派遣更多的军事培训人员和美国文职人员。He said he would send more military trainers and U.S. civilian personnel to Afghanistan.

革命以后,MEK是文职政权最坚实的支持者。After the revolution, MEK was amongst the most stalwart supporters of the clerical regime.

但最终MEK还是和文职政权发生冲突,并开始和掌权者斗争。But eventually MEK fell afoul of the regime and began to fight the power holders in Tehran.

但对文职领导人和中国的朋友来说,这将很有问题。But for civilian leaders as well as for China’s friends, this would be highly problematical.

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按照新条例,告发到苦苦乐少将处的文职人员也将面临刑事起诉。Civilians reporting to Cucolo also could face criminal prosecution under the new guidelines.

甚至一些文职人员每年固定的年薪增长比他们服务的法官都高。Some clerks who have received automatic annual pay rises make more than the judges they serve.

文职人员方面,有63名一般职系人员和42名部门职系人员获晋升。Within the civilian grades, 63 general grade and 42 departmental grade officers were promoted.

要是有人真把文职官员或内阁成员们弄得不知所措,众人一定会捧腹大笑的。The public would laugh fit to burst if someone really ballsed up the Civil Service or the Cabinet.

中国悠久的文职传统使管理在古代就已经成为一门练达的艺术。With China's long tradition of civil administration, management was a refined art in ancient China.

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他们采取措施使高级文职人员的工资和企业管理干部的工资相等。They have taken measures to equate the salaries of higher civil servants to those of business executives.

若为非文职雇员申请雇员赔偿保障,请另纸说明详情。When applying for Employees' Compensation, please give details on separate sheets for non-clerical staff.

批评人士说,缅甸去年11月有争议的大选只是为了借文职政府之名,行军事统治之实。Critics say Burma’s controversial November election merely gave a civilian face to continued military rule.