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建设轮机间。Turbine room construction.

部长的儿子当上了轮机员。The minister's son became an engineer.

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安装在一个区域的多个部位,实现轮机员安全监控和求救的功能。To be installed in needed area, It used for help by engineer.

轮机工程本科以上学历,初级工程师职称。Mechanic engineering bachelor degree or above, Junior Engineer.

三副,请通知轮机部备车。Third Officer, please inform the engine room of standby engine.

人们开始对轮机员这个职业变得尊重了。Engineer officers were beginning to be regarded as almost human.

值班轮机员应在何时叫轮机长?When will an engineer in charge of watch call the Chief Engineer?

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有什么问题可随时通知安全班确当班轮机员。If there are any problems, inform the duty engineer on safety watch.

但漂浮在远洋的广阔海域上的风轮机则可以避免此类问题。But floating turbines moored far out to sea could avoid such problems.

轮机员能操纵主机如上程序。Engineer is able to manoeuvre the main engine in the former procedure.

如今的RRB是世界上领先的风轮机制造商之一。Today RRB is one of the world's leading manufacturers of wind turbines.

后来他回来时竟然成了一条蒸汽船上的见习轮机员或称助理轮机员。At last he turned up as apprentice engineer or 'striker' on a steamboat.

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轮机英语中没有使用表达完全模糊概念的占位词。There is no placeholder word in MEE, which expresses totally vague meaning.

监督轮机的效能,入乾坞及船只的维修事宜。Responsible for shipboard performance, dry docking, repairs and maintenance.

柴油机增压器喘振历来是轮机员工作中较为头疼的故障之一。Turbo-charger's surging is always one of the faults which crewmen meet with.

吴迅表示说,她希望将来能有更多的女生报考轮机工程专业。Wu says she hopes that more girls join the marine engineering department in the future.

轮机员报警系统用于船舶上通讯报警系统设备。Engineer call alarm system is intend for the communation and alarm equipment of vessels.

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轮机员应证实凸轮轴的位置应在正车位置,如果它在倒车位置上,必须转至正车位置。The Engineer shall confirm that the position of the cam shaft is in the "Ahead" position.

更让人吃惊的是,吴迅还是该院轮机专业史上第一名女生。What's more, Wu is the first female marine engineering major in the history of the college.

一些毕业生凭借本专业的学位成为了商船队的轮机师。Some graduates use a degree in this field to become engineer officers in the merchant marine.