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风琴在奏鸣。The organ is playing.

这架旧风琴呼哧呼哧地响。The old organ wheezed.

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那架风琴有两排键盘。The organ has two banks of keys.

他用风琴奏出一曲。He ground out a tune on an organ.

那架老风琴呜呜地奏出曲子。The old organ wheezed out a tune.

那位风琴手拔出了风琴的全部音栓。The organist pulled out all the stops.

演奏风琴迎进宾客。The guests were played in on the organ.

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风琴的声音回荡着。The sound of waves resounds everywhere.

她用风琴弹奏了一首动听的曲子。She played a beautiful tune on the organ.

一架手摇风琴正在呼哧呼哧地奏着一首古老的曲子。A barrel-organ was wheezing out an old tune.

弹风琴的弹着风琴把会众送了出去。The organist was playing the congregation out.

教堂风琴手可能以基础低音即兴演奏。The church organist may improvise on a ground bass.

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风琴鸣奏,合唱响起,警察守卫着各扇大门。An organ played, a choir sang, police guarded the doors.

我不想伤害他的感情,但同样,我也不想得到这把风琴!!I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I don't want it!!

大约1700年,最早的滚筒风琴出现在街头。Around 1700 the first barrel organs appear on the street.

这是一座戏剧院和单独配有风琴管的音乐厅。A theatrical and concert complex with a separate organ hall.

他父亲给了风琴手六个便士让他走开。The organ-player had been ordered to go away and given sixpence.

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当庄严的风琴,或者合唱队,或整个乐团,演奏完了。After the clang or of organ majestic, or chorus, or perfect band.

最初的风琴组织是由一个有创见的人发起的。The original organ organization was originated with an original man.

音乐是无限的。在风琴上,奏出无限的音乐。You are infinite. And on those keys, the music that you can make is infinite.