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属性对象类型可能在六个低序位位置上获取位。The property object type may take bits in the six low order positions.

野魔法的能力在这个守序位面中被降低了。Special Magic Conditions. Wild magic is diminished on this lawful plane.

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在家史领域,不同的序位和律法在运行着。In the area of family history, different orders and laws are being applied.

阿序位一高,因为它是黄昏了,但我想我们可以做到。A bit of a tall order as it is late afternoon already, but I reckon we can make it.

社群序位表现为2-3个等级,即优势鼠、次优势鼠和从属鼠。The order in the colonies have 2 or 3 class in a colony that are dominant, 2nd dominant and lackey.

等位基因的数量与配子体系统相近,但是某些等位基因具有优势序位。The number of S alleles is similar to that in gametophytic systems but some have a dominance hierarchy.

方法收集各类干部健康体检资料,采用疾病序位及检出率法分析研究。Methods to collect physical examination data of cadres and analyze it with disease order and detection rate.

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论述了税收优先权与其他公法债权的效力序位。Finally, the part discusses the effectiveness arrangement of the tax priority and other creditor's rights in public law.

所谓同素逆序词,指的是双音节复合词中构词语素相同且语素序位互逆的一组词。Inverse morphemes words are double syllable multiple words, which are consisted of the same morphemes with inversed sequence.

提出了基于多目标评价方法的保电企业序位表生成办法。A creating method based on multi-object evaluation has been proposed for enterprise sequence list with power supply guarantee.

孢子体系统有一个具有多个S等位基因的单基因座,但是复杂的孢子体系统的遗传可能涉及优势序位。One sporophytic system has a single locus with many S alleles, but the genetics may be complex involving dominance hierarchies.

这样一个制度会怂恿主流政党为了得到第二序位的选票,去迎合那些将极端主义参选人排在首位的选民。Such a system would encourage the major parties to chase the second preferences of voters who had put extremist candidates first.

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以翠冠梨为试材,探讨了不同果枝类型、坐果序位与产量、果实品质的关系。The relationship between the type of fruit-bearing branch and fruit position and the yield and quality of Cuiguan pear was studied.

首先对故障录波数据进行CL多小波变换,然后对变换以后的系数进行一维SPIHT编码,对得到的排序位流再进行算数编码。Then, SPIHT coding method is used for coefficients after CL multiwavelet transform, Arithmetic coding is employed to order bit-stream.

在一个农民的家族中,举例,当继承遗产的序位不受到尊重时,这种经历就是一次大的不公正。In a farmers' family, for example, whenever the order of bequest is not being respected this is being experienced as a great injustice.

最后将粒子群算法和禁忌搜索算法思想引入到蚁群算法中,用于求解拉闸限电序位优化问题。The particle swarm optimization algorithm and the Ant Colony Optimization are employed to develop a hybrid stochastic searching algorithm.

通过算例结果比较,表明该混合算法是一种解决供电企业拉闸限电序位优化问题的有效方法。Swarm intelligence is used to solution the question for Electricity Power Limitation of Sequence Optimization, and show a good performance.

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如果操作发生在未检查的上下文中,计算的结果被截断,放弃不适合目标类型的任何高序位。If the operation occurs in an unchecked context, the result is truncated by discarding any high-order bits that do not fit into the destination type.

不在移位后第一个操作数类型范围内的任意高序位均不会使用,低序空位用零填充。Any high-order bits that are not within the range of the type of the first operand after the shift are discarded, and the low-order empty bits are zero-filled.

第一作者低龄化及各序位作者平均年龄依位次后移而递增的合作模式。The third is the collaborative pattern, which shows that the first author are younger comparatively and average age of the authors are increasing in terms of rank.