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本日是昨天的门生。Today is Yesterday's pupil.

这就是仲成,一个仁慈、乐于助人的门生。Such is Zhong Cheng, a kind and helpful student.

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萨克拉门托州立小学称他是该校最著实的停门生。Sacramento State can call him their most famous dropout.

一次逢王的生日,他的门生想给他祝寿。On his birthday, his students wanted to give him a party.

提姆切科则13岁就加入哥伦比亚革命武装力量,曾是马鲁兰达先生的门生。Timochenko joined the FARC at 13 and was a protégé of Mr Marulanda.

一听到西席的声音,门生们立即竣事发言。On hearing their teacher's voice, the pupils stopped talking at once.

诺瓦腊是一位对托勒密的学说持怀疑态度的教授的门生。Novara had been taught by a professor who questioned Ptolemy's system.

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我是李大鹏,四年级门生,喜欢英语和作文!I am Li Dapeng, the fourth-grade student, likes English and the thesis!

在圣路易斯的一所医学院预科大学,门生必需修一门很难的物理课。At a pre-med university in St. Louis, we had to take a difficult class in physics.

门生非常积极成为乐成的大夫,西席或科学家。The student tried very hard become successful as doctors , teachers or scientists.

“没人能驾驭马尔科姆,”路易斯·法拉汗是他的门生,最终成了敌人。“Nobody could handle Malcolm,” Louis Farrakhan, his protégé and eventual enemy, said.

自后汉以来,门生故吏,多相与立碑颂德。Since the Eastern Han Dynasty has been disciples Guli, multiphase and erection Songde.

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“没人能驾驭马尔科姆,”路易斯·法拉汗是他的门生,最终成了敌人。“Nobody could handle Malcolm, ” Louis Farrakhan, his protégé and eventual enemy, said.

教师和门生相处存在题目我觉得教师和门生应该是朋侪干系。The way teacher and students get along with has problems. I think they should be friends.

最好的夜总会有着最大的天鹅绒拦绳和最挑剔的门生。And of course, the best nightclubs have the biggest velvet ropes and the pickiest doormen.

很多门生乃至不能欣赏繁体汉字,更别提誊写了。Many students can't even read, not to mention write, traditional full-form Chinese characters.

收到你的信我很愿意,我当今依然是别名初二的门生了,我在二中念书。The letter received you I be very happy, I now is already a beginning two student, I study in two.

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我有一个弟弟,他是一个初中门生,是联考的筹办。I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.

为了让“门生”成为完整的乐队,胡振邦邀请了他的好友郑子劲加盟“门生”成为乐队主音。To complete the line up, Joe approached his long time friend Benny Cheng to join the band as the vocal.

想到门生对主题没有透辟地了解就结业了是令人震惊的。It is horrifying to think that students graduate without a thorough understanding of the subject matter.