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黄鸭与无敌铁金刚。Yellow duck and Power ranger.

丑类无敌的汽车杀手。Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer.

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青钢影简直无敌,谁能够制裁?Camille invincible, who can sanction?

你是无敌的大铁吊钳。You are the invincible big iron tongs.

林肯天下无敌,而且他从不放弃。Lincoln was a champion and he never gave up.

冷静一些,不要说我们天下无敌。Be calm and don't say that we have no rivals.

解压到到英雄无敌的安装目录。Extract the package into your main Heroes folder.

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人穷有志气、人贱则无敌!Poor people have ambition, people are invincible!

水至清则无鱼,人至贱则无敌。To water-no fish, people are invincible and cheap.

西班牙的无敌舰队被毁灭后,它的势力就衰退了。Spain's power decayed after her Armada was destroyed.

这支足球队曾被誉为无敌的劲旅。This football team was once reputed to be invincible.

她很有天资,能成为天下无敌的选手。She has enough talent as a player to is a world beater.

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方向键操作,可吃星星进入短时间无敌状态。Key operation, the stars eat into short invincible state.

再掀起无敌高尊与怜悯之母之战!The Battle between Mighty Gao Zun and Mother Mercy resumes!

看我的'噼里啪啦无敌惊暴旋风腿'。Look at my 'crackling invincible surprise storm cyclone leg'.

直到去年春天,我仍然认为自己是无敌的。Until last spring, I still had this feeling of invincibility.

但有迹象显示,“美国无敌”的信念正在不断削弱。Yet there are signs the belief in US invincibility is waning.

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所谓心中无敌则天下无敌。In alleged heart inapproachable a the world is inapproachable.

克里斯-滑铲无敌更长,动作快。Chris- Chain slide touch has more invincibility, faster motion.

疯狂英语可以帮助你,你将天下无敌!!!Crazy English can help you and you will be second to none ! ! !