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欢迎广大中外客商联系业务!Welcome to contact with us!

这是震惊中外的新闻。This is a world-shaking news.

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这个事件震惊中外。This event shocks home and abroad.

这个事件震惊中外。This event startled all the world.

这个事件震惊中外。This matter shocked both home and aboard.

中外对话特此刊载演讲的双语全文本。Here, chinadialogue publishes the text in full.

这就是震惊中外的九一八事变。This is the 918 incident that shocked the world.

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扬州也是中外友好往来的港口。Yangzhou was a port of friendly foreign exchanges.

很感谢“中外对话”提供了这样的一个平台。Thanks to Chinadialogue for providing this platform.

南通永大热忱欢迎中外客户惠顾!Sincerely welcome customers' visit all over the world.

外野手快跑接住了飞向中外野的远球。The outfielder pulled down a long drive to center-field.

中外竹笛演奏技术的比较。Comparison of Chinese and foreign technology of Bamboo Flute.

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2010年5月2日,第四届中外大学校长论坛在南京开幕,中共中央政治局委员、国务委员刘延东出席开幕式并致辞,以下为讲话全文Speech on the Fourth Chinese-Foreign University Presidents Forum

这个中外辞句在英文中没有完全相等的辞句。There is no exact English equivalent for this Chinese expression.

谭•科普塞是中外对话网的运作和发展总管。Tan Copsey is operations and development manager at chinadialogue.

100多名中外记者出席了吹风会。More than 100 Chinese and foreign journalists attended the briefing.

欢迎有意合作的中外人士来函来电洽谈,共谋发展。Welcome foreign cooperation in the talks to seek common development.

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今日之上海,已经成为享誉中外的国际大都市。Today's Shanghai has become a world -famous international metropolis.

中外文化交流中心始终视世界文化交流为己任!CICE has long regarded the worldwide culture exchange as its own duty.

此举是否取得预期成果?中外对话参与了在北京的讨论。Is the effort working? chinadialogue joined the discussion in Beijing.