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我们不妨从的发育阶段入手。We learn from development.

你的宝宝发育良好。Your baby is shaping well.

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花由花蕾发育而成。A blossom develops from a bud.

蓓蕾会渐渐发育成为花朵。The bud develops into a flower.

南京引种的银鹊树生长发育良好。The growth and development of T.

精巢的发育具有季节性。The spermary develops seasonally.

植物长芽、枝或发育。To grow or sprout as a plant does.

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叶理特别发育。Foliation is particularly pronounced.

它会影响生长和发育。It can affect growth and development.

脚垫发育喧赫且很是有弹性。Pads well developed and very elastic.

还未能发育成熟。They haven't yet had time to develop.

坝区发育盖层性断裂,切割较浅。In the dam area, a fault cuts the cap.

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她是年轻和稍微发育未全的。She's young and a little bit immature.

完全发育成熟的牛体重可以超过750。Adult cattle can weigh more than 750kg.

可伴子宫发育不良。May accompany the hypoplasia of uterus.

那么,如何刺激神经发育呢?So how does one stimulate neurogenesis?

六个月后雄海马育儿袋中的蛋才会发育成型。The eggs hatch inside the male's pouch.

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左侧的锥体束不发育。The left pyramidal tract is undeveloped.

母鸡来补血壮体,辅佐胸部发育。Hen to blood strong body, assisted chest.

耳石的形态发育。The morphological development of otolith.