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还有马裤,所有的衣装And the breeches, and all that

他的马裤是用用牧羊人派做的。His breeches were made of haggis bags.

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裤子方面的最新流行是马裤。The breeches are the latest trend for pants.

他穿着意见很脏的白色衬衫和一件牛仔马裤。He wore a dirty white t-shirt and high-water jeans.

他的马裤是用用牧羊人派做的,牧羊人派。His breeches were made of haggis bags, haggis bags.

这个人差点没从身上穿的那件时髦马裤中跳出来!The man nearly jumped right out of his city slicker britches!

在他把最后一颗钉子钉进邮箱的时候,他感觉到马裤被拉了一下。As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls.

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中世纪之前的欧洲,女人穿连衣裙,男人穿马裤。By the Middle Ages in Europe women were wearing dresses and men were wearing breeches.

随着深入上流社会,1789年的法国革命也成为一场对马裤的反叛。The French revolution of 1789 was also a revolt against breeches as being too upper class.

下身传牛仔裤或马裤,脚上穿长统靴或硬底鞋,上身则要穿长袖衬衣,另外,别忘了戴上头盔。Wear jeans or long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, riding boots or hard- soled shoes, and a helmet.

裘诺斯终于把他的马裤找对了方向,然后从前面系好。Jonos had finally gotten his breeches turned the right way round and was lacing them up the front.

冯姐穿着优雅的黑白格套头毛衣,羊毛马裤和一双高跟舞鞋。She was dressed elegantly in a black-and-white checked top, wool riding pants and high-heeled pumps.

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现在一个完全疯狂的家伙掌了权,艾尔弗雷德·芒宁斯爵士经常穿着马裤拎着皮鞭四处走动。It was run by a complete mad man, Sir Alfred Munnings, who used to walk about the place with a whip and jodphurs.

它们比紧身男式马裤宽松,更看好于白天,而男式马裤更是一种晚装。They were looser than the tight pantaloon were favored for daytime wear while pantaloons were more evening attire.

从臀部到大腿,向下到飞节的位置,一样覆盖着长而浓厚的被毛,形成了特殊的所谓“马裤”。The rump and hind legs down to the hocks are also covered with thicker, longer hair forming the characteristic breeches.

怎么叫它们都行――灯笼裤、马裤、挖蛤裤――唯一没有被叫过的名字就是短裤。Call them what you want -- knickerbockers, breeches, clam diggers -- the one thing they haven't been is particularly short.

我经过众多满脸羡慕的小女孩,她们穿着浅蓝色的衬衫和干净的马裤,带着敬畏的神态望着我。I passed by a number of envious little girls, dressed in their powder-blue shirts and spotless jodhpurs , watching me in awe.

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男人穿的一种从腰到脚踝的宽大的马裤,盛行于7世纪晚期的英格兰。通常用作复数。Men's wide breeches extending from waist to ankle, worn especially in England in the late 7th century. Often used in the plural.

有个红脸膛的胖子,身穿方格子马裤和高筒靴,象是客栈老板,边抚摸着她的鼻子边给她喂糖。A fat red-faced man in check breeches and gaiters , who looked like a publican, was stroking her nose and feeding her with sugar.

他穿着亚麻做起了皱的长马裤,一件松垮的蓝T恤,T恤颈部的领口还敞开着,以及一双磨损的很厉害的棕褐色鞋子。He wore long, wrinkled white linen breeches, a limp blue shirt, the collar of which was open at the throat, and rather scuffed tan shoes.