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缅甸与印度毗邻。Burma borders on India.

越南与中国毗邻。Viet Nam is contiguous to China.

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我的寓所和她的地产毗邻。My small rectory abuts her estate.

与城堡毗邻的是一片天然森林。The castles abut a natural forest.

我们的学校毗邻一个美丽的公园。Our school adjoins a beautiful park.

学校位于国兴大道西侧,毗邻海南省政府新办公大楼。It is located at the west of Guoxing road.

斯普利特的表面与毗邻的曲线。Split the surface with the adjacent curves.

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甲状腺毗邻关系复杂。Anatomic sturcture around thyroid is complex.

毗邻教堂的房子是牧师住宅。The house adjacent to the church is the vicarage.

蜜蜂都飞出去了,空房间毗邻空房间。One empty room next to another after the bees fly out.

俄罗斯阿穆尔州与中国毗邻地区的发展状况。Russia's Amur region and China's development adjacent.

加拿大和墨西哥毗邻美国美国。Canada and Mexico adjoin the United States of American.

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综合体尽端是一个庭院,与放射性布局的研讨室毗邻。The complex ends in a court adjoining the radial workshop.

那世界之母借着你妈妈的心,保留与你毗邻的位子。The world-mother keeps her seat by you in your mother's heart.

那是一个抢占头条和震撼毗邻地区最有效的方法。It is a sure way to grab headlines and rattle the neighborhood.

颈静脉孔的外口与舌下神经管相毗邻。The outer aperture of JF was adjacent to the hypoglossal canal.

花园毗邻的杰克惠纳,霍姆斯特德防空洞回家。Garden adjacent to the dugout home of Jack Whinery, homesteader.

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环球公司毗邻地铁站,并与两条高速公路相邻。Universal is adjacent to a subway station and near two freeways.

青康藏高原暨毗邻地区西文文献目录。A bibliography of the Tibetan highland and its adjacent districts.

上星期在毗邻克罗埃西亚的地区发现一只野天鹅死亡。A wild swan was found dead last week near the border with Croatia.