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把豆腐整平一下。The tofu leveling.

我喜欢这个豆腐。I like this beancurd.

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豆腐是一种大豆蛋白质凝胶体。Tofu is a soybean-protein-gel.

他喜欢豆腐做的食品。He likes food made of beancurd.

我吃西红柿、豆腐和鱼。I have tomatoes, tofu and fish.

我也喜欢豆腐。它是有益健康的。I like tofu, too. It's healthy.

那块豆腐对他来说太辣了。The tofu was too spicy for him.

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这是您的虾仁豆腐。Heres your shrimp with beancurd.

我们吃土豆、豆腐和鱼。We have potatoes, tofu and fish.

家庭风格的豆腐好吃极了。The homestyle tofu is very tasty.

咱们吃西红柿,豆腐和鱼。We have tomatoes , tofu and fish.

奶豆腐是几天前做的。Milk curd was made several days ago.

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豆腐皮是豆腐的副产品。E. g. Tofu skin is Tofu's by-product.

然后用筛子把豆腐过滤一下。Then filter the curd through a sieve.

豆腐隔水蒸3分钟,倒去多馀水份。Steam beancurd for 3 minutes and drain.

将豆腐及其他蔬菜切幼丝。Shred tofu and all the vegetables finely.

那么,豆腐在这里到底有什么用呢?So where does tofu fit into this picture?

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西红柿,豆腐和鱼。We haudio-videoe tomatoes, tofu and fish.

你想再来一块豆腐吗?Would you like another piece of beancurd?

用食指触触他的手臂,象摸到一块温豆腐,真嫩。I gentally touched his arm with my finger.