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我窥见到她正给耶斯列的贵族们写信,让他们办一场鸿门宴。I peeked in the windows and I saw her writing letters to the noblesof Jezreel to hold a feast.

还是说客,这么多的人来排着队来与我作对,我可是四面楚歌,鸿门宴是吗?Or lobbyists, so many people to be supplied to me and couplets, but I am besieged , Hongmenyan is it?

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他把视角放在了大家所熟悉的鸿门宴时期,这一历史事件讲述的是一位将军试图布下陷阱,置他的对手于死地。During what is known as the Banquet of Hongmen, an event where one general tried to set up and kill his rival.

克利希认为坎贝尔能够应对白鹿巷给他摆下的鸿门宴。Sol Campbell can cope with the hostile reception which awaits him at White Hart Lane, according to Gael Clichy.

李密设鸿门宴请翟让,他先将韩擒虎的宝弓--射月弓赠与翟让。LiMi set HongMenYan please ZhaiRang, he will be the first HanQinHu treasure bow on the bow ZhaiRang shot-a gift.

三林制服梁文山,更认梁文山为父,鸿门宴结束平安归来,让宋亚娟白白捏了把汗。Three uniform Liang Wenshan Lin, more recognition Liang Wenshan for father, hongmen banquet ends safely, let Song Yajuan pinched the sweat in vain.

程子河正忐忑不安的等着梅泽的责难,梅泽的电话终于打来了,让他到樱花饭店去,程子河认定这一定是鸿门宴。Cheng Zihe was nervous waiting for them, them phone call, finally let him go, to the sakura hotel Cheng Zihe decided that it must be the hongmen banquet.

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突然,政治发展和调控限制对许多外企来说就象带些保护主义色彩的鸿门宴。Suddenly political developments and regulatory restrictions have converged to create a dangerous cocktail that, for many companies, smacks of protectionism.

鸿门宴时的刘邦还是比较强大的,是他率领义军首先攻破咸阳灭秦,而且受到关中百姓的拥护。At that time Liu Bang was still powerful, and it was he led the volunteers to fist occupy the city of Xian-yang, and defeated the Qin Dynasty, and won the support of the ordinary people.

实际上鸿门宴上刘项只有一句对话,而这句话的内容不可能产生这样的结果,显然有更多的对话没被记下来。In fact, there is only one discourse recorded between Xiang and Liu, the content of which can not lead to that deduction. Obviously the other part of the conversation hasn't been recorded.

“鸿门宴”之所以扣人心弦,惊心动魄,就在于其尖锐复杂的戏剧化般的矛盾冲突,以及在这种高度集中的矛盾中所凸现出的人物脸谱化的性格。Dinner at Hongmen is exciting and soul-stirring because of its theatrical and complex contradiction conflict and because of striking common figure character in the highly-concentrated contradiction.