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这就是奉献。That is dedication.

十一奉献是尊崇神的行为表现。Tithing is an act of worship.

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我奉献出时间和金钱。I've donated my time,my money.

取吾奉献,予吾辈力量。Take our offer, give us might.

这无私的奉献,令人永志不忘。The selfless dedication, a kid.

“赕”就是指赠送和奉献的意思。"Dan" means to offer or donate.

他把这块璞玉拿去奉献厉王。He put the diamond to offer king.

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我钦慕这位牧师的奉献精神。I admire the priest's dedication.

我不认为奉献是无聊的。I don't think altruism is boring.

如果奉献一只绵羊作牺牲,应将牠牵到上主面前。If he offer a lamb before the Lord.

你为他或她奉献你的存在。You offer him or her your presence.

谁奉献他们的一生给我们?Who dedicates their whole life to us?

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你可以用零用钱缴纳十一奉献。You can use allowance to pay tithing.

它还需要有奉献精神,纪律性。It requires commitment and discipline.

她的奉献精神总是让我震惊。Her dedication constantly astonishes me.

奉献我的喜乐和伤悲。I will devote my joy and sadness to you.

它们是信用,勇气和奉献。They are Honor, Courage, and Commitment.

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她对工作的奉献精神可钦可佩。Her dedication to her work was admirable.

献金应放进奉献箱里。Money should be put in the offertory box.

我们依据他的奉献付酬。We pay him according to his contribution.