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他们在热那亚一味坑害她。They let her in at Genoa.

他否认坑害过物主。He denied doing any harm to the owner.

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大话西游坑害了我们多少钱?All About West entrap us how much money ?

她坑害汤姆干了一些他从未干过的事。She frwveryed Tom for something he never did.

不过,那个坑害了你我二人的人还活着,海丝特!But, Hester, the man lives who has wronged us both!

他从他朋友店里偷东西,暗中坑害他的朋友。He stabbed his friend in the back by stealing from his store.

不过,这是最后坑害案件特点,就是冲突。However, this was the last entrapment case to feature that conflict.

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消费者应该受到保障,免受销售劣质产品的坑害。The consumer must be protected against the sale of poor-quality goods.

这伙骗子提供假信息坑害顾客。The group of swindlers provided false information to entrap customers.

许多无良商人用假冒伪劣商品坑害消费者。Many evil merchants swindle the customers by imposing fake goods on them.

但华尔街的罪行不仅仅是破坏经济、坑害纳税人。But crashing the economy and fleecing the taxpayer aren’t Wall Street’s only sins.

许多无良商人用假冒伪劣商品坑害消费者,赚取利益。Many evil merchants swindle the customers by imposing fake goods on them to make profits.

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还有的商家使用做过手脚的计算器和量尺坑害消费者。Still some businessmen use the calculator that has made motion and gage to entrap consumer.

因此说,这是以太促成了相对论,也是以太坑害了爱因斯坦半辈子。So it is ether which causes relativity, it is also ether which trapped Einstein half of his life.

无论扎克伯格决定怎么做,商业领袖都要做好被假消息坑害的准备。Regardless of what Zuckerberg does, business leaders must prepare for being victimized by fake news.

真没想到她那么没骨气,竟然嫁给了坑害过她父亲的人。I'm surprised to learn that she had married the man who had once done her father in. She really has no guts.

每个人都在追求幸福,但你不能为了追求自己的幸福而坑害了别人,甚至坑害了国家。Everyone pursues happiness, but in the pursuit of your own happiness, you must not harm others, or harm the country.

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我特别关注一些商业研究,我听说过很多医药公司赞助的研究坑害病人的例子。I'm particularly concerned about commercial studies. We have many examples of how company-led research led us astray.

要用保证金或法律协议保护自己在经济上免遭“可能远走高飞的室友”坑害。Financially protect yourself from a roommate who might run off to Puerto Rico with a security deposit or legal agreement.

此外,部分证券从业机构缺乏诚信,坑害中小投资者的现象也不鲜见。Besides, it is not uncommon to see small investors framed by some security companies that are neither honest nor trustable.