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七月,我遥念着!In July, I read away!

绝世好工作,七月启航帆。The job starts in July.

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她的劢宴是七月22日。Her feast day is July 22.

独立节是在七月。Independence Day is in July.

他出身于一九八○年七月十六日。He was born on July 16, 1980.

七月十四,猛鬼横行。In July fourteen, on rampant.

那里的七月份墙面都渗水。The wall oozed in July there.

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秋霜把七月取代。Autumn frosts have slain July.

图片搜索在七月上线。Image search launches in July.

汽油收费在七月份会上涨。Gass charges will rise in July.

他的演唱将在七月份开始。His concert will being in July.

七月的新英格兰地区还在霜冻。New England had frosts in July.

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摄影图片展于七月三日开展Photo exhibition opens July 3rd

学期将在七月初竣事。The term will end early in July.

七月。南方。车站。The July. The South. The station.

远征队员于七月二十二日离开。The expeditioner left on July 22.

唐·克尔克特的生日是七月四日。s birthday is the Fourth of July.

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七月是西瓜上市的节令。Watermelons are in season in July.

是的。七月和八月都是大热天。Yes. July and August are sizzlers.

这家新医院七月一日开诊。The new hospital opens on July 1st.