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风水轮流转,轮到我吃亏…It's just my turn to suffer loses.

风水轮流转,肯定会来到我们的身边。What goes around surely will come around.

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水轮发电机炉是在床上的猪锅炉。The hydro grates are on the bed of a hog boiler.

风水轮流转,这回轮到中国公司了!What Goes around Comes around. It's China's Turn!

落水的冲力使水轮转动。The impulse of falling water turns the waterwheel.

水轮车轮子很大,轮缘周围装有叶片。Water wheel is a big wheel with blades around the rim.

风水轮流转,总有一天人们会觉得那样很吵闹,会勇敢地抛开随身听。One day people will have had enough noise. They'll be brave.

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水力涡轮机及水轮,功率超过10,000瓩者。Hydraulic turbines and water wheels, of a power exceeding 10,000 kw.

“再见了,水轮,”它们消失在视线中,但存在于我永恒的回忆之中。Bye, waterwheel. " They lost in sight, but would be in my mind forever."

一部水轮转动丝绸纺车图像的日期确定为1313年。There is an image of a silk spinning machine powered by a water wheel that dates to 1313.

立式水轮发电机的导轴承承受转动部件的径向力。Guide bearing of vertical hydrogenerator carries the radial force from its rotatory parts.

螺丝湾电站水轮发电机设计应用双鸽尾磁极联结结构,为高应力转子设计提供了新路。Using double dovetail in coupling pole is a new idea of design of rotor under high stress.

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鲿“扑咚”池塘中一条早起的鱼儿猛地窜起又落下,池塘中那水轮一圈圈地扩展开来!Early article "splash" a pond fish snapped up and, in the pond the spread wheel going round!

水轮机组的稳定与效率、气蚀一起成为机组的三大主要考核指标。Stability, efficiency and cavitation are the three main characteristics of hydraulic turbine.

如果时间允许我与水轮有亲密的的接触,我会拍些相片。If time allowed me to come closely to the waterwheels, I would be taken some photos with them.

古中国擒纵调速器的基本型式是「水轮秤漏装置」。Basically, the ancient Chinese escapement regulator was a waterwheel steelyard-clepsydra device.

本文中建立了非直联水轮发电机组运动方程。A motion equation for hydrogenerator set with non-direct connection is established in this paper.

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麦库姆的发明是一个为磨坊提供水电能的水平中空水轮设计。Macomb’s invention was a design for a horizontal, hollow water wheel to create hydropower for mills.

福伊特水电中国福伊特水电参与中国水轮发电机设计和制造的历史可以追溯到100年以前。Voith Hydro ChinaThe participation of Voith Hydro in the Chinese market can be traced back 100 years.

原动力转换装置可以是一个由蒸汽驱动、液力驱动或水轮驱动的轮机,亦或是内燃机。The prime mover may be a steam-driven turbine, a hydraulic or water wheel, or an internal combustion engine.