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他决不食言。He never beraks his word.

是我食言了吗?So aren't I taking it back?

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请相信我,我决不食言。Please believe me. I'll keep my word.

我将永远保卫您的安全,决不食言。I'll guard you forever, I tell no lies.

凯西说过会帮忙的,但她对我们食言了。Kathy said she'd help but she flaked out on us.

他们说要帮助我们,可是他们食言了。They said they'd help but they've ratted on us.

文胜见杜思曼食言对她更加怀恨。WenSheng see DuSiMan renege on her more grudge.

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确保遵守诺言,决不食言。Be sure to keep your promise and never break it.

不要食言,否则没有人会信任你。Never break your word, or no one will trust you.

你答应了帮助——现在不可食言!You promised to help ——you mustn't back out now!

他向我们郑重承诺然后又对我们食言了。He gave us his solemn word, then he welshed on us.

^你给孩子许了愿就千万不要食言。You should never go back on your promise to a child.

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他是个可靠的人,决不会食言的。He is a reliable manandwill never go back on his word.

他一旦答应帮忙,便决不会食言。Once he made a promise of help,he would never fall back.

胡将军没有食言,次日便将太子送回敌营。General Hu sticked to his promise and sent the prince back the next day.

她允诺你加入一场对你意义重大的议会,但是她食言了。She promises to join you for your important meeting but doesn’t make it.

我愿捐出我一个月的生活费,决不食言!I would like to donate me one month's living expenses, and I can promise!

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答应我,露丝,你绝不会食言的是吧,快答应我。No matter how hopless. Promise now. Rose, you never go off that , promise!

胡将军没有食言,次日便将太子送回敌营。He don't break his promise and sends back the prince to enemy's camp next day.

现在,经过自由派的大声疾呼,总统的立场又动摇了,正如他一贯食言的那样。Now, after an outcry by liberals, the president is dithering—his default mode.