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船尾有人落水。Man overboard on astern.

一个小女孩落水了!A girl fell into the river!

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怎样才能救出“落水的男孩”?How can the “drowning boy” be saved?

所有落水孔是否已有效堵塞?Are all scuppers effectively plugged?

落水头压下,排杆关闭,面盆储水。Press down pop-up to close drainage. lift.

约翰那模样好惨,活像一只落水的老鼠。John looked piteous , like a drowned mouse.

他冒着生命危险去救那个落水的孩子。He hazarded his life to save the drowning child.

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如果水深不见底,跳进去时脚先落水,不要俯冲下水。If you can't see the bottom, jump in, don't dive.

落水的冲力使水轮转动。The impulse of falling water turns the waterwheel.

他见义勇为地拯救落水儿童。He acted heroically saving the child from drowning.

这个落水的人拼命想游到河岸边。The man in the sea desperately tried to get the side.

行舟过渡时不要乱动,小心落水。Do not wave on a boat, or you will fall into the water.

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他跳下河去救那个落水的小男孩。He jumped into the river to save that boy from drowning.

一片树叶,被初起的秋风吹落水面。A leaf, was the beginning of the autumn wind blown water.

然后他走路转圈直到落水。Knut then walked in circles until he fell into the water.

那个落水的人拼命想游到河岸边。The man in the river desperately tried to reach the side.

他从桥上跳进水里去抢救落水儿童。He made a dive from the bridge to save the drowning child.

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他反应敏捷,上个月救了一个落水儿童。Last month, he saved a child. The boy fell into the water.

他救了落水的朋友,这是很高尚的。It was noble-minded when he saved his friend from drowning.

虽然他觉得头晕目眩,他还是救出了落水儿童。Even though he felt dizzy, he did rescue the drowning child.