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多少人同意比尔•巴尔格的立场?the position of Billy Bulger?

米尔格林姆有惊人的想象力。Milgram had a powerful imagination.

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拜斯·哈尔格利姆森便是后者之一。Boas Hallgrimsson is one of the latter.

马塞尔格拉诺列尔斯正在加紧为他。Marcel Granollers is stepping in for him.

米歇尔格拉顿是时代的政治编辑。Michelle Grattan is Age political editor.

米尔格林姆,我们以后再谈这个。Milgram, and we'll talk about that later.

“我相信这是至关重要的,”皮耶巴尔格斯说。"I believe it's crucial, " said Piebalgs.

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它的中心位于沃尔格达镇。Its seat is located in the town of Vårgårda.

马尔格·布朗,主持这小岛上的表演活动。Margaux LeBlanc runs the show on the island.

这的确是一个重要的发现,”托尔格勒说。This is really a crucial finding, ” Torgler says.

与米尔格伦实验不同的是,这种电击是真实的。Unlike Milgram's experiment, this shock was real.

对于比尔格罗斯来说,整个世界都是个灰暗的隐喻。For Bill Gross, all the world’s a gloomy metaphor.

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我们大家一起请比尔格洛弗出去吃晚饭。We're all going to take Bill Glover out to dinner.

年仅24岁的加尔格名下已经有了两家公司。At just 24 years old, Garg has two ventures to her name.

海尔格的那件衣服已经穿破扔了。Helga threw away that dress because she had worn it out.

马尔格·布朗嫁给了“蓝爪”的首领。Margaux LeBlanc has married the leader of the Blueclaws.

如果尔格骑队正处于召唤失调,则忽略此效果。Ignore this effect if Erg Raiders has summoning sickness.

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皮尔格说他知道阿桑奇得罪了一些人。Pilger said he knows that Assange has angered some people.

这款有个性的悬浮平台床由霍尔格·威斯曼设计。Stylish floating platform bed designed by Holger Wissmann.

阿尔格斯激光科技是一家生产OEM激光器件的制造公司。ARGES is a manufacturer for the OEM laser component market.