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户籍制不过是系谱专家的一个美好的梦想而已。The koseki is a genealogist's dream.

传家宝不再仅仅是二手的手工艺品,也包括了那些系谱古老的水果和蔬菜。Heirlooms aren’t just hand-me-down artifacts anymore.

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减少生成系谱关系图所需要的时间。Reducing the time required to generate tree diagrams.

它们占据了恐龙系谱的其他分支。they occupied other branches of the dinosaur family tree.

树是父子系谱,但是块茎是结盟,独特的结盟。The tree is filiation, but the rhizome is alliance, uniquely alliance.

存在于唾液中的淀粉酶属于酶的一个系谱,可分解淀粉。Amylases are a family of enzymes found in the saliva that break down starch.

与系谱比较,杂种优势群的划分结果比较合理。Compared with then- pedigree, the clustering of heterotic groups is reasonable.

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那些通过这个网站获得那些专业系谱专家所使用的图表和表格。Get all the charts and forms that professional genealogists use through this site.

首先,石竹属系谱图的分支出现是缓慢而具试探性的。At first, new branches of the carnation family tree appeared slowly and tentatively.

优良基因型的丢失机率,系谱法高于混合法。The probability of losing elite genotypes in pedigree was larger than in mass selection.

下面是一个来自有知觉神经性失聪成员的家庭之家族系谱。Here is a pedigree from a family in which sensorineural deafness is present in some members.

通过完全自动化系谱架构的收集和创建,从而消除人为错误。Eliminating manual errors by fully automating the gathering and creation of a tree structure.

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在中心是最原始的,这是地球所有生命的系谱。So in the center is the most primitive, and this is a genealogical chart of all life on earth.

方法对单纯性晶状体异位一家系进行临床研究和系谱分析。Methods Clinical observation and pedigree analysis were undertaken in a family with ectopia lentis.

通过以下方式,此流程的自动化改进了分析人员创建准确专利系谱的能力Automation of this process improved analysts' ability to create accurate Patent Family Trees through

矮生玉米自交系的选育方法主要有系谱法、回交法和聚合选择法。Pedigree method, backcross method and convergent cross selection are used widely in dwarf maize breeding.

据系谱分析,该疾病符合常染色体显性遗传方式。With pedigree analysis, the genetic mode of the disease in the family are autosomal dominant inheritance.

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四种聚类图都反映了品种的系谱来源,类群划分与系谱并不十分吻合。All the four cluster could reflect the pedigrees of the cultivars in some degree but is not very anastomose.

有关现代国家起源的民族史系谱,往往是近代的发明。About the origin of the modern state of national history pedigree, it is often the invention of modern times.

对现有的不育系、恢复系进行杂交改良,系谱法选育符合目标的不育系和恢复系。Improved existing male sterile lines and restorer lines which suited breeding aim were bred by pedigree method.