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风魂引擎。Wind Spirit engine.

他修正了这台引擎。He trued the engine.

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这台引擎发动不起来。The engine won't start.

006年我的引擎烂了。In 2006 my engine failed.

她爸爸发动了引擎。Her dad started the engine.

'整流'。''罩飞机的引擎外罩。The cowling on an aircraft.

阿.40纳尔逊赛车引擎。A . 40 Nelson racing engine.

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绅士们,启动她的引擎。Gentlemen, start her engine.

引擎严重撞坏了。The engine was badly battered.

这台引擎耗油状况完全正常。The engine regularly combusted.

货币化引擎打开。Monetization engines to turn on.

引擎一直有逆火。The engine has been firing back.

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使用引擎这个词是非常准确的。The term search "engine" is apt.

SRE属于哪一类规则引擎?What kind of rule engine is SRE?

如果辅以这些正确的“工具”,创新的引擎便会被点燃。With the right tools, it will be.

该数据库引擎是可嵌入的。The database engine is embeddable.

引擎发出一阵劈啪声就熄火了。The engine gave a sputter and died.

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这些车装备了双涡轮增压的V8引擎。This car had a twin turbocharged V8.

查引擎和螺旋?螺?。Check the engine and propeller bolts.

我爸爸有一辆柴油引擎的卡车。My father has a diesel-engined truck.