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他的肩膀变得僵硬了。His shoulder stiffens.

臂力刚强的巨大肩膀。City of the Big Shoulders.

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他使肩膀向前弯。He slouched his shoulders.

这些是高高的肩膀。These are Gogo's shoulders.

她的肩膀脱臼了。Her shoulder was dislocated.

他的肩膀疼得要死。His shoulder hurt like hell.

男孩无望地耸了耸肩膀。The Boy shrugged helplessly.

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子弹擦过我的肩膀。The bullet grazed my shoulder.

我的肩膀似乎被撞伤了。It seems I had my shoulder hit.

她喜欢他肩膀结实。She likes his broder shoulders.

那枝箭刺入他的肩膀。The arrow pierced his shoulder.

肩膀继续转动。The shoulders continue to roll.

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不过我的肩膀是咋了?But what's up with my shoulders?

爸爸拍了拍吉米的肩膀。Dad clapped him on the shoulder.

按摩你的颈部和肩膀。Massage your neck and shoulders.

她击中了母鹿的肩膀。She hit the doe in the shoulder.

他肩膀上搭着一块毛巾。He had a towel over his shoulder.

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我把头靠在他的肩膀上。I rested my head on his shoulder.

他轻拍我的肩膀。TAP】He tapped me on the shoulder.

感觉你的脖子和肩膀往下坠。Feel your neck and shoulders drop.