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感觉它如何为你搏动不停!Feel how it throbs for you!

我们应当按心脏的搏动来计算时间。We should count time by heart-throb.

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心电图仪能记录心脏的搏动。The cardiograph records the heartbeat.

腹部搏动性肿块消失。The abdominal pulsatile mass disappeared.

我的眼睛后方和太阳穴有搏动的感觉。My head throbs behind my eyes and in the temple.

还有另一颗心跟你的有着一样的搏动。There is another heart that beats just like yours.

心尖搏动范围扩大,向左下移位。Aex beat enlargement and left-downward displacement.

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对比血氧计脉率与病人桡动脉搏动。Compare oximeter pulse rate with client's radial pulse.

患肢足背动脉和胫后动脉搏动消失。Limb dorsalis pedis artery and the posterior tibial artery pulse.

必须触诊颈动脉搏动情况,和听诊颈动脉是否有血管杂音。The carotid arteries should be palpated and auscultated for bruits.

一颗特别明亮的星,两颗为彼此共同搏动的心。One star-brighter than the other, Two Hearts-beating for each other.

一颗特别明亮的星,两颗为彼此共同搏动的心。One Star-brighter than the others, Two Hearts-beating for each other.

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这时通常会在脊椎尾部感到一种搏动。Usually, at this point, a pulsation may be felt at the end of the spine.

我们可以看到血管搏动他的庙宇,他变得更加愤怒。We could seetheblood vesselsinhis temple pulsate ashe became more angry.

他正在青春年少,他的内心对于一切迷人而可爱的东西还在温存地搏动。He was in his fresh youth, with soft pulses for all charm and loveliness.

头痛剧烈,呈搏动性、刺痛或钝痛等。Have a headache acuteness, show beating sex, prickle or blunt painful etc.

在他的作品中我感知到了细腻,脆弱,和灵魂的搏动。His works are vulnerable, and incredibly expressive vibrations of the soul.

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我感到她们的心脏几乎没有搏动,而我的则在胸膛里猛跳。I sense that their hearts are barely beating, while mine pounds in my chest.

提取出来的细胞必须以特定的形式组合起来,这样它们的搏动才能保持一致。The cells needed to link up in a form that will allow them to beat together.

体格检查可在腹部查到搏动的肿块。They may be felt on physical examination as a pulsatile mass in the abdomen.