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我的玩具小车在哪里?Whereis my toy car?

我讨厌古灵阁的小车。I hate them Gringotts carts.

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这辆小车外表看起来还不赖。The car is not bad in appearance.

这个小车司机承担了所有的责任。The car driver bored all the blame.

那也别忘了推着小车卖面条。You're forgetting your noodle cart.

一辆小车沿大街疾驰而来。A car came tearing along the street.

他们住的只是一个小车棚。Where they live is only a small shed.

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利用厨房小车扩展灶台空间Expand the counter with a kitchen cart

两辆小车在十字路口相撞。The two cars crashed at the crossroad.

一个女人钻进小车,飞驰而去。A woman got into the car and drove off.

小车空了,碗却装得满满的。The buggy is empty, the bowl is brimful.

他们抢走了行政长官的小车。They robbed the Commissioner of his car.

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我要租一辆小车子用一星期。I'd like to rent a compact car for a week.

其次,大马拉小车,动力十足。Next, the big Mala car, the power is full.

这辆小车一直闲置在车库里。This car has been lying around the garage.

母亲用小车推着婴儿在公园游玩。The mother wheeled the baby round the park.

这辆小车你愿意推呢,还是愿意拉呢?。Would you rather push the barrow or pull it?

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一个叫坦尼娅的年青女子开着一辆小车向她驶来。A young woman named Tanya drives up in a car.

巡线小车的驱动采用直流电机。Driver of small patrol line vehicle is DC motor.

每一辆小车冒着脏烟,直飘入大气层。Each car belching out fumes into the atmosphere.