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这是一件做工非常考究的衣服。This is a well-tailored dress.

今天上午我遇见了一位穿着考究的妇女。I met a well-dressed woman this morning.

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考究自己的荣誉,也是可厌的。For men to search their own glory is not glory.

毕竟,设计师的衣服确实做工考究。Designer clothes, after all, are simply made well.

回想一下吧,死海羊皮卷是如何被深入考究的。Look at how the Dead Sea Scrolls were scrutinized.

他的生日礼物是一件做工考究的西装。He got a well-tailored suit as his birthday present.

由于我长胖了,我最考究的西服穿不上了。Since I gained weight,I can't get into my best suit.

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所以,考究的人普通喜欢用皮表带。So, the people of ordinary love with leather watchband.

一是定志考究遵行耶和华的律法。First Ezra prepared his heart to seek the Law of Yahweh.

仪容整洁和个人卫生的考究已经行之有年了。Grooming and personal hygiene have been around for ages.

我喜欢他,他一向穿着考究,看上去很时髦。I liked him. He was always well-dressed and smart-looking.

这件做工考究的戏装是为即将上演的歌剧准备的。The well-made costume is prepared for the opera to be shown.

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黛比和赛蒙抬头看到一个穿着考究的中年女士推门进来。Debbie and Simon looked up as the door opened and a middle-aged

PASSAT新领驭内部做工更加的精致考究、质感强烈。The interior of PASSAT New Lingyu is more refined and delicate.

好蜜过多是不好的,考究自己的荣耀也是可厌的。It is not good to eat much honey, or to seek honor on top of honor.

但实际两者是否有必然联系,是很待考究的话题。But the true relationship between the two is a deeply complicated one.

干洗做工精细考究的牛仔裤。干洗可洗净衣物并保持原色不折旧。Dry-clean dressy jeans. This will keep the rinse darker and fresher-looking.

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而且我们有最好的裁缝,他们做的衣服都非常考究。Besides, we have the best tailors. All the dresses they made are well-tailored.

老师住在舒适的房子里,穿着考究的衣服就是错误的吗?Is it wrong for a teacher to live in a comfortable house and wear nice clothes?

正如老人所言,莱州剪纸,以造型优美、纸张考究而著称。As the old people said, Laizhou paper-cutting, to sleek, elegant paper is known.