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近来祖母愈益衰弱了。Grandmother has been getting feebler lately.

让枪支远离其他的所有人,其理由愈益清楚。The reasons for keeping them away from everyone else get clearer.

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欧洲、亚洲和中南美洲也将愈益倚重这类资源。Europe, Asia, and Central and South America also rely increasingly on this resource.

面临知识经济时代的到来,生活教育的价值将愈益显示出来。With the coming of knowledge economy, life education is becoming more and more valuable.

轮子运输变得愈益普通,便需要更多更好的道路。As wheeled transportation became more and more common, more and better roads were needed.

与世卫组织迅速共享来自最近病例群集的病毒已变得愈益重要。Rapid sharing with WHO of viruses from recent clusters of cases has become increasingly important.

随着服务型社会的崛起,情绪劳动愈益受到更多的重视。With the service-type society comes, increasingly importance has been attached to emotional labor.

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随着水资源变得愈益稀缺,它还可能成为国家之间或国家内部冲突的潜在诱因。As water becomes increasingly scarce it may become a potential catalyst for conflict among and within countries.

娜塔莎的面部表情愈益温柔而谄媚,索尼娅的面部表情就愈益严肃而庄重。The softer and the more ingratiating Natasha's face became, the more serious and stern became the face of Sonya.

十七大的胜利召开,标志着党在新形势下愈益成熟。The Seventeenth National Congress is the symbol of the Party's becoming gradually and fully mature under new situation.

彼佳回莫斯科的归期愈益临近,望眼欲穿的伯爵夫人的焦急不安愈益增加。The nearer the time came for the return of her longed -for Petya to Moscow, the greater was the uneasiness of the countess.

但进入90年代,女性艺术家们愈益显现出一种不同于男性艺术家的独特视角。But with the entrance into 1990s, female artists gradually showed their identifiably special angle different from the male artists.

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我们党和我国人民经历了艰难曲折,积累了丰富经验,愈益成熟起来。After going through all the hardships and setbacks, our Party and people have gained rich experience and become increasingly mature.

面对愈益严重的金融压力,“伊朗政府在关键的经济项目方面越来越仰仗伊斯兰革命卫队”。In the face of increased financial pressure, “the Iranian government has increasingly turned to the IRGC for key economic projects.”

从适应中医学发展需要来看,建立以医易会通为基础的中医文化学也愈益迫切。It becomes very urgent to establish culture of Chinese medicine based on the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and the Zhouyi.

这种愈益团结或许是迄今为止全球化的另一种表达。Such renewed solidarity is perhaps yet another expression of globalization," said Dr Danzon on accepting the appointment for his second term.

而且,”奇克夫人以愈益尊严的语气补充说道,仿佛她直到现在才把她最能把别人驳得一败涂地、无言以对的论据拿出来似的。And what is more, ' added Mrs Chick with increased dignity, as if she had withheld her crushing argument until now, 'I never did think it was.'

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她学贯中西,成就涵盖文学创作、文艺理论和作品翻译三个领域。近年来,她的特殊学术地位愈益受到现当代文学界的重视。As a master good at both Chinese learning and western culture, her achievement covers literature composition, art theory and works translation.

这种友谊经受了时间和国际风云变幻的考验,愈益深厚,历久弥坚,并随着时代的发展不断焕发出新的勃勃生机。The brotherly relations have endured the test of time and changes in international situation, and have become even deeper, stronger and more vigorous.

但正是因为我们坚持某些普遍的价值观,我们才有可能弥补不足之处,不断努力改进,假以时日即可愈益强。But it is our commitment to certain universal values which allows us to correct our imperfections, to improve constantly, and to grow stronger over time.