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我努力改变这种状况,但劳而无功。I tried to change it but failed.

他们企图恢复英镑币值,但劳而无功。They tried to rally the pound sterling but in vain.

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她试图防止工作做得劳而无功。She tried to prevent the work from being done in vain.

盖茨是有理由认为乔布斯会劳而无功的。Gates had some reason to think Jobs' mission was worthless.

他在被称为“城堡”行动的一次大规模的劳而无功的战役中阵亡。He died for Germany in the gigantic and futile operation called Citadel.

但格鲁吉尔的庞大舰队使得塔科发动的战役劳而无功。However, Grunger's immense armada caused the campaign to end in failure.

两个月中,罗布“猎驼人”奥尔得克等人一次次搜寻都劳而无功。Two months, Rob, "hunting a camel, " Orr a gram and others have repeatedly fruitless search.

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我要十分感激他们,把那个劳而无功的工作从我的手里拿过去。I shall be only too grateful to them for taking a very difficult and thankless job off my hands.

数十亿美元花在远程气象预报上是一个劳而无功的事。Billions of dollars have been spent on long-range weather forecasting, but it is a fool's errand.

作为回应,企业绝望的试图使用促销、广告和其他市场策略来支撑收入,但往往劳而无功。In response, companies have tried desperately to prop up revenues using a variety of promotions, advertising and other marketing ploys, often to no avail.