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苏珊紧张地倒吸一口冷气。Susan swallowed nervously.

下面的观众们倒吸了~口冷气。Then the whole crowd gasped.

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这个剧院有冷气设备。The theatre is airconditioned.

我吹冷气会打喷嚏。Air conditioners make me sneeze.

我吹冷气会打喷嚏。Air conditioner can make me sneeze.

30吨冷气需要80个20英寸的风扇,30吨冷气是相当可观的。Thirty tons of air is a considerable amount.

有些人看到这个恶魔倒吸一口冷气。Some people gasped at the sight of the fiend.

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听到这意外的消息我惊得倒吸了一口冷气。I gasped with surprise at the unexpected news.

已有柜橱,双人床和冷气。Furnished with cupboard, twin beds, and air-con.

强冷气流从山上疾掠而下。Blasts of cold air swept down from the mountains.

那是电扇、冷气或是暖气机的声音。It was the fan, air conditioner, or heater sound.

我能听见那些哈佛球迷倒吸一口冷气。I could hear the Harvard fans draw in their breath.

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德博拉看见女儿进门时倒抽了一口冷气。Deborah gasped when her daughter walked in the door.

冷气把哈诺的嘴唇吹得有点发紫。The cold air has turned Jano’s lips slightly purple.

有人介意我开冷气吗?Does anyone mind me turning on the air conditioning ?

是的,大多数人家里都有冷气。Yes, majority of people have airconditioning at home.

当雨穿过一层冷气层便成霰。Sleet forms whe fain falls through a layer of cold air.

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那台冷气,在我买了之后马上故障。The air-conditioner broke down right after I bought it.

至少你没买到黑心电视或黑心冷气。At least you didn't buy a "dirty" TV or air conditioner.

满满的冷气萦绕在周围,痛的眼前一片灼白。Full of cold air around the pain, the eyes of a burning white.