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裁减政府部门中的冗员。Comb out a government department.

如果有人意见和你完全相同,这只表示你俩其中一人是多馀的冗员。If you have a yes-man working for you, one of you is redundant.

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允许你的公司有过多的冗员,这听起來太不符合商业实务的原则。It is not sound business practice to allow your company to be overstaffed.

几乎所有冗员,都已调往其他部门任职。Nearly all the redundant worker have been absorbed into other departments.

只要裁汰掉冗员鲍尔森,利物浦的中场配置基本就能定型了。Once they had sold Christian Poulsen, Liverpool should basically have been set.

应采取措施裁汰冗员,以提高生产效率。Some measures need to is take to cut out the dead wood and streamline production.

应采取措施裁汰冗员,以“提高”生产效率。Some measures need to be taken to cut out the dead wood and streamline production.

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说到国有媒体,冗员是个挑战。When it comes to the state-controlled media, one challenge is their bloated bureaucracies.

它打破了裙带关系,在过去两年里清退了“数以千计”的冗员。It cracked down on nepotism, resulting in" thousands" of dismissals over the past two years.

资方决定节省开支,裁减劳动力中的冗员,这样可以减少工资支出。The management decided to economise by cutting the dead wood from the workforce,thus reducing the wages bill.

资方决定节省开支,裁减劳动力中的冗员,这样可以减少工资支出。The management decided to economize by cutting the dead wood from the workforce, thus reducing the wages bill.

这将需要缩减行政公务人员的薪金支付水平和收益,并迅速裁撤冗员。This will require slashed pay-scales and benefits for civil servants and drastic cuts in the number of such jobs.

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而通过科学有效的岗位定编方法设定合理的岗位编制是解决冗员问题的前提和基础。The premise for the solution to redundancy is to make a reasonable post allocation with a scientific and efficient method.

如一个青少年莫理斯舞有了铃中心的电脑网路上的一个帐户,在早的砍劈攻击给予他冗员-使用者状态的地方。As a teenager morris had an account on the bell labs'computer network where early hacking forays gave him super-user status.

当职业经理人们埋头建造商业帝国时,他指出冗员和机构臃肿会造成效率低下,危害不浅。When executives were engaged in empire-building he argued against excess staff and the inefficiencies of numerous "assistants to".

农民负担问题表面上是一个税费负担问题,而其背后却是机构的膨胀和冗员的激增,以及财政体制落后的问题。The farmers' burden is caused by the enlargement of institutes and also the backward of the financial system instead of the burden of taxation.

现在,雅虎过于自吹自擂,其实公司需要裁减冗员,专注核心业务,同时剥离空心业务。Current, yahoo is too self- dramatizing , actually the company needs to cut down redundant personnel, dedicated core business, come off at the same time hollow business.

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结果表明,邮政企业投入综合效率低下,主要表现为资产过度闲置,机制不灵敏,难以适应市场变化,冗员过度。The result show that plunging synthesizing efficiency is low because of over idle assets, mechanism is not sensitive to the changing of market and redundant personnel are over.

但是这一过程确实痛苦和漫长的,因为这一过程将涉及减少库存和浪费,裁撤冗员,并把一些不能盈利的财产出售给更好地经营者等等一系列活动。But the process is painful and time-consuming since it involves cutting inventories and waste, laying off redundant employees, selling marginal properties to better managers, etc.

改革必须超越那些眼前的问题,如冗员问题和财政负担问题,把核心目标清楚地定位在公平的、有效率的公共服务提供。It must go beyond short term concerns such as redundant labor and heavy fiscal burdens to have a clearer and stronger focus on equitable and efficient delivery of public services.