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一般称这个血案为“一二一惨案”。This became known as the Tsinan Massacre.

惊天血案震惊了全国。The startled day murder case has shocked the nation.

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你们会重新对王室血案展开调查吗?Will you re-open the probe into the palace killings?

但血案的发生动摇了民众的信仰,并导致尼泊尔人对贾南德拉的极度不满。But the massacre undermined faith in the monarchy in general, and turned Nepalis against this king in particular.

随后,民警又通过多种证据,判定郭某就是这起血案的凶手。Subsequently, the police through a variety of evidence, Mr. Kwak is determined that the perpetrators of violence.

据英国广播公司报道,俄罗斯一公园内发生了一起黑松鼠群攻流浪狗致死的“血案”。A pack of black squirrels have bitten to death a stray dog which was barking at them in a Russian park, BBC reported.

门锁上了,我得从窗户进去,在一张放着一对蒂凡尼台灯的桌子旁制造血案。The doors were locked and I had to enter through awindow, causing some carnage to a nearby table bearing a pair ofTiffany lamps.

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中国的媒体并不着重报道近来的校园血案,很多时候则紧跟政府新闻社,新华社,的报道。Chinese media gave little prominence to the latest killings and largely stuck to reports issued by the government news agency, Xinhua.

一些世界上臭名昭著的杀手都在苏丹留下了血案,包括汽车炸弹爆炸、发射火箭袭击和种族灭绝。Some of the worlds most famous killers have earned their stripes in Sudan, finishing with degrees in car-bombing, rocket launching and genocide.

就在这起血案发生的当日,中国政府处决了上一起校园惨案的凶手郑民生。The latest attack occurred on the same day that China executed the perpetrator of another recent school stabbing spree in eastern China's Fujian province.

根据媒体报道,今年到现在,校园附近的袭击事件已经造成21人死亡,而制造血案的六名肇事者当中至少有三人之前都表现出精神失常或者是其他的自杀行为。At least three of six men whose attacks near schoolyards this year left 21 people dead had earlier appeared deranged or suicidal according to news reports.

根据媒体报道,今年到现在,校园附近的袭击事件已经造成21人死亡,而制造血案的六名肇事者当中至少有三人之前都表现出精神失常或者是其他的自杀行为。At least three of six men whose attacks near schoolyards this year left 21 people dead had earlier appeared deranged or suicidal, according to news reports.

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但是,最高层的温家宝总理对这些血案的声明认为,这些袭击事件的根源仅仅是社会紧张状态,而这才是中国现在需要解决的问题。But in the highest-level statement on the killings Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said only that China needed to resolve “social tensions” underlying the attacks.

据半官方的伊朗法斯通讯社报道,法院还判处该名男子对血案进行经济赔偿。外界只知道他叫哈米德,是因一起发生在2005年的袭击案被判有罪的。The man, identified only as Hamid, was also ordered to pay blood money after he was found guilty of the 2005 attack, according to Iran's semi-official Fars news agency.

广东省湛江雷州市雷城第一小学再曝校园惨案,一名男子持刀砍伤15名学生和1名教师,这是在不到六周时间里中国发生的第二起校园血案。A man in southern China allegedly went on a stabbing spree Wednesday, wounding 15 students and a teacher in the second such attack that the country has experienced in less than six weeks.

当被问及美国会不会因其仓促撤军对在伊拉克发生的血案负有部分责任时,M说现在血洗和屠杀就正在发生。Asked if the United States would bear partial responsibility for any bloodbath in Iraq in the event of a precipitous U. S. withdrawal, M said that a bloodbath is already taking place at present.