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育龄夫妻可以用避孕的方法间隔开妇女的生育时间。Contraceptive methods enable the couples to space out their children.

突变等位基因或遗传突变决定的性状,导致不能生育。并非都在育龄前死亡。Genetic load --- The sum total of death and disease caused by mutant genes.

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最低生育率出现在四月和五月,分别为平均每个育龄妇女生育1.92和1.93个孩子。The lowest fertility rates were in April and May, with 1.92 and 1.93 for each woman.

从全球情况看,艾滋病仍是育龄妇女的主要死因。Globally, AIDS remains the leading cause of mortality among women of reproductive age.

实际上,它影响了二分之一的孕妇和五分之一的育龄妇女。in fact, it affects half of all pregnant women and 1 out of 5 women of childbearing age.

也正是因为汞的危害,许多州都警告育龄妇女节制吃鱼。Many states warn women of childbearing age to limit fish consumption because of mercury dangers.

但即使是在这方面,移民也起到一定作用,帮助提高了育龄女性数量。But even here immigration played a part by helping raise the number of women of child-bearing age.

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参加了并完成了昌邑市柳疃镇育龄妇女管理系统的设计与实现。Participated in and completed the town women of childbearing age Management System Design and Implementation.

它的计算方法是用特定时间内的出生率除以育龄妇女的数量。It is worked out by dividing the birth rate in a particular period by the number of women of childbearing age.

育龄妇女和孕妇的X线检查放射卫生防护标准。Radiological health protection standards for X-ray examinations of child-bearing age women and pregnant women.

对于有心脏病的育龄妇女,一定要做到孕前咨询。Regarding has heart disease's woman of child-bearing age, before certainly must achieve is pregnant, consults.

如果确定育龄女性需要使用托吡酯,必须采取有效的避孕措施。If the decision is made to use topiramate in women of childbearing age, effective birth control should be used.

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对预防和治疗HCMV感染,特别是防治孕妇和育龄夫妇HCMV感染,预防神经残疾儿的出生具有重要意义。It is significant for preventing and curing HCMV infection, especially couple of gravida and reproductive life.

育龄妇女慢性宫颈炎、附件炎患病率均比绝经妇女高。The prevalence of chronic cervicitis and adnexitis in the fertile women was higher than that in menopause women.

但是一个优等民族并没有因此而产生,因为需要借助精子库内的精子怀孕的育龄妇女毕竟是极少数。They haven't created a master race because only a tiny number of women have wanted to impregnate themselves this way.

会员与广大的育龄群众保持着密切的联系,全国正在逐步形成一种以群众自我教育、自我管理为主的计划生育工作局面。A family planning work situation with self-education and self-management as the mainstay is being formed step by step.

县政府把育龄妇女保健纳入全县工作计划之中,财政拨付专项资金。Women of childbearing age health care into the county to county work program, the Financial appropriated special funds.

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在15岁至49岁的育龄妇女中,感染艾滋病已经成为患病或死亡的主要原因之一。The age of 15 to 49-year-old women of childbearing age, infection with AIDS has become one of the major illness or death.

发现的原因在于现行的医生为育龄妇女开抗癫痫药时,对这一概念是不清楚的。The impact of these findings on current AED prescribing patterns for women of childbearing age with epilepsy is uncertain.

居民户碘盐和育龄妇女尿碘可作为县级IDD监测的主要指标。Iodized salt at households and UI in women should be selected as major indicators of monitoring IDD at the level of county.