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我只是在这个世界才是纱布。I am just Shabu in this world.

打开方纱布,泡入温水中。Open squares and soak in tepid water.

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医生用纱布包扎伤口。The doctor bound the wound with gauze.

还有纱布和绷带,-好的,我就去找。And lint for bandages. -I'll find some.

爱情是一层纱布,隔在相恋的人中间。Love is the veil between lover and lover.

Sara转过身,扔掉用过的纱布。She turns and throws away the used gauze.

他抬起头我才看见,他的头上缠着纱布。He looked up and I saw, his head wrapped gauze.

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之后,父亲每天为我涂药水、换纱布。As my father and smeared water daily, for gauze.

用一块纱布或过滤网将果汁过滤一下。Strain the juice through a piece of gauze or a sieve.

我闭着眼睛,闻到了格蕾塔临终前所包扎的纱布的气息。I closed my eyes and smelled the gauze from her deathbed.

我一分钱都没得到,但我的大牙却给纱布包起来了。I didn't get any money, but my molar is wrapped in gauze.

最后,使用一块洁净的纱布包裹伤口以使伤口愈合。Finally, cover the cut with a clean bandage while it heals.

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她在大多数时候深居简出,包在纱布里或闭门独处。She's invisible much of the time, bandaged or in seclusion.

用纱布和胶布将胶管一端固定。Remove the tapes and gauze at ends of the polythene tubings.

本品系选用脱脂纱布精制而成,吸水性强、使用方便。Made up of degreased gauze, strong absorbability, use easily.

将茶叶,八角,桂皮和香叶放入纱布中并绑紧。Put tea leaf, anise cinnamon and myrcia in the gauze and tight it.

取下塑胶管一端的胶布和纱布。Wrap the end of polythene tube with gauze and plaster in position.

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保湿后,再在伤口处缠上消毒纱布。Once the burn is moisturized, cover it with a sterile gauze bandage.

他在伤口上贴了一块纱布再加一条橡皮膏。He put on a pad of gauze and a strip of adhesive tape over the wound.

她左臂用纱布裹着,但是她还是很警觉的。Her left elbow was wrapped in gauze, but she otherwise appeared alert.