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别扯女人,打架只是我们两家主仆男人之间事情。The quarrel is between our masters and us their men.

用他们的话说是,不平等的关系会变成主仆关系。As they say, any relationship of unequals will lead to a mster-slave relationship!

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作为一个受虐者,我怎样才能在不伤害我的主人的情况下,结束我们的主仆关系呢?As a submissive, how do I end a D&S relationship without seriously damaging my dominant's ego?

幸而身边还有两个旧日的丫鬟伏侍,主仆三人,日夜作些针线发卖,帮着父亲用度。Luckily she still HAD her two maids, and the three of them by sewing day and night helped to defray Feng Su'sexpenses.

因无主仆名分所以雇工蔡招与雇主黄信中基本上处于“平等”的地位。Therefore, without a sub-master and servant and employers recruit workers Huang Tsai, basically in the "equal" status.

最终主仆俩到了马路的另一边,盲人从口袋里掏出来块饼干给了导盲犬。After they reach the far corner the blind man reaches in his pocket and pulls out a cookie and offers it to the guide dog.

作品中主仆有别、等级分明,体现了儒家情与理的和谐统一。The rank of people in the painting is obvious, which reflects the unification of feeling and principle of Confucian school.

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画面杨柳轻拂,荷塘月色,主仆四人泛舟而来。Willows sweeping gently, moonlight pavilioning the lotus pond, there come four people, the host along with servants by boat.

这就是神秘的伙伴协议应该要阻止的,巩固美国和欧洲之间的主仆关系。That is what the secretive TTIP supposed to prevent, by cementing in a master-servant corporate relationship between US and Europe.

因此,拼音文字与其语言之间的主仆关系并不存在于汉字与汉语之间。Therefore, the ascendance of pronunciation over writing is not true for Chinese characters even if it is true for phonetic systems.

你提出这个问题是出于一种高尚的愿望,无论这在主仆关系或普通关系中,我认为都是值得称赞的。You may have asked your question out of a wish to be gracious, which I find commendable whether you are in a DS or a vanilla relationship.

备援式的电源供应系统,需考虑系统扩充性,本文将针对热插拔技术与自动主仆均流技术做进一步之探讨。A hot-swap technique and an automatic master-slave current-sharing control scheme are also studied to implement the redundant power supply system.

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影片改编自真实故事,讲述一位生长于大家庭的少爷与自幼照顾自己长大的家佣之间所发生的一段触动人心的主仆情。It is based on a true story about the touching relationship between a man and a servant who worked in his family and took care of him since he was born.

在以弗所书五章和六章,保罗显示基督徒应该像夫妻,父母子女及主仆一般彼此相关。In Ephesians chapters 5 and 6, Paul shows how the Christian should relate to each other as husband and wife, as parent and children, and as masters and slaves.

在二十世纪初,伍尔夫看到了人际关系根本性的转变“主仆之间,夫妇之间,父母与孩子之间。”Woolf saw a fundamental shift in human relations taking place at the beginning of the 20th century "between masters and servants, husbands and wives, parents and children."

奶娘张嬷嬷一直是本分的人,时时都不忘恪守主仆之分,有时候让澜惠也十分无奈。Milk Niang mama piece has been the person of responsibility, always always doesn't forget cautiously obey the penny of lord servant and sometimes lets Lan Hui also very helpless.

宋代将雇佣奴婢纳入家族同居范畴,处于主仆名分影响之下,经历了一个逐步酝酿调试的过程。Bring hired servants into the category of familial cohabitation and affected by the status of masters and servants, the Song Dynasty experienced a process of gestation and debugging.