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事实上,它们给人当头棒喝。In fact, they hit it right on the head.

所以,在一开篇,这第一个原则就来了个当头棒喝。And this first principle really starts us off with a bang.

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对这位好医生的当头棒喝,现在的我会比二十五年前的我更表感谢。I am more grateful now than I was 25 years ago for this good doctor's bluntness.

对这位好医生的当头棒喝,现在的我们会比二十五年前更表感谢。We are more grateful now than we were 25 years ago for this good doctor's bluntness.

有时候,当头棒喝远比“时间的教训”要好的多,因为,那样至少还可以弥补。In some cases, than a wake-up call "lesson time" to be good because, as can at least make up for.

当头棒喝下,为时33天的失恋后心理复健工作,就此展开。A blow and a shout, lasted for 33 days after the breakup of psychological rehabilitation work, mounted thereon.

因为它给了那种不假思索的美国投资观——必须在中国这个新兴市场中最活跃的国家不断增加筹码——当头棒喝。For it put the rub to the automatic US investment view you must be over-weighted in the most dynamic emerging market in the world.

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这个具有宗教使命的“非宗教画家”,其内心颤动的音符至此嘎然停顿,如一记当头棒喝后的宁静与虚无。Then the inner vibrating notes suddenly suspend in the missioned " unreligious artist", like the tranquility and nihility after a severe blow.

感谢你们让我遭这么大的罪这么痛苦,教会我这个世界多么丑陋残酷,感谢你们的当头棒喝把我从水晶花园和童话故事里一脚踹出来。Thank you for bringing me so much pain and suffer, taught me how ugly and cruel this true world is, and kick me out of my fairy tale and crystal palace.

美国这个国家已经负债累累,并被国内数以亿计的股票和住宅损失所当头棒喝。The world can no longer rely for growth on free-spending Americans, who are overburdened by debt and sobered by trillions of dollars of losses on homes and stocks.

赛季初输掉两场英超可能有些失望,但是这可能是当头棒喝,因为在输掉切尔西之前,球队已经取得六连胜,而面对切尔西一直都是艰难的比赛。Losing two early games was disappointing but perhaps it was a wake-up call because the team then had six straight wins before losing at Chelsea, which is always a tough match.

而在美院上的“服装设计”给了他一个当头棒喝,从小建立的坐标开始被迫面临调整。而这一调整就是十年。The course "Costume Design" he received in academy of fine art shook him, making his direction set in his childhood face adjustment and this adjustment has kept for ten years.