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她是个疯农妇。She is a mad peasant woman.

夜里,农妇躺在床上,忐忑不安辗转难眠。The farmer went to bed that night feeling troubled.

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四川遂宁一农妇诞下“连体双头婴儿”。Conjoined twins with two heads born at a hospital in Suining.

从前有一个农妇想要生产201个鸡蛋。There was once a farmer who wanted to produce 201 chicken eggs.

农妇把他介绍给她的母亲和孩子们。He then was introduced to the woman’s mother, and to her children.

每个星期都会有一个年长的农妇卖她新鲜出炉的自制面包。There’s one elderly lady there each week selling her freshly-baked homemade bread.

农妇听了这些专业的建议,点点头,径直走开去工作了。After she receiving all this great advice, the farmer nodded and then went straight to work.

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第二天早晨,牛贩子来了,农妇对他没有过多的寒喧。The next morning the cattle dealer came, and the woman had no need to say many words to him.

在广西文关村,32岁的农妇黄佳友每天辛苦劳作16个小时,早晨第一件事是给猪喂一顿热乎乎的早餐。GUANGXI, CHINA—Jia You Huang’s sixteen hour work day starts with a hot breakfast for her pigs.

农妇和鸡蛋的故事教给我们关于写博客的重要一课。The story about the farmer and her chicken eggs teaches us an important lesson about blogging.

第二天早晨,一位智者和他的199位跟随者来到农妇的家里。Then, the next morning, a wise sage and his 199 followers came to visit the farmer at her home.

农妇向智者道歉,因为她只有一个鸡蛋可以招待他们。The farmer apologized to the sage because all she had was one egg to feed him and his followers.

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两个戴着可笑草帽的农妇神情庄重地牵着漂亮的暗灰色的毛驴走了过去。Two peasant women with funny straw hats passed, gravely, leading beautiful smoke-colored donkey.

大约两周前,一位波兰农妇神志恍惚,并预言了世界末日。A Polish peasant fell into a trance about two weeks ago and she made a prophecy about End of days.

最后,农妇失望的发现只得到了一个鸡蛋。Finally, after all of this, the farmer was dismayed to find that only one chicken egg was produced.

那农妇、那棵树、那只鸟,那些活生生的事物对你来说似乎只有微不足道的重要性。That woman, that tree, that bird, the living things, seem to have but a passing importance for you.

农妇雷戴姆塞尼说,为了能活得更久,她至少已经在棺材里躺过6次了。Farmer Ra Damthanin said she has lain within a coffin at least six times in the hopes of a long life.

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农妇也必须被包括在培训计划之内,同时也必须被列入农业政策制定的考虑范畴。Women farmers must also be included in training programmes and the formation of agricultural policies.

农妇张桂兰的家人身着白色孝服将她埋葬在位于陕西省的村子里。Dressed in mourning white, the family of farmwife Zhang Guilan buriesher in her Shaanxi Province village.

农妇把草鞋卖给了他,看到他被雨淋湿了,就邀请他进屋过夜。The woman who offered him the sandals seeing how wet he was invited him to remain for the night in her home.