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这是一本论述日本相扑的书。This is a book on Japanese sumo.

相扑选手在这里集中训练。Wrestlers train in sumo stables here.

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这天巨浪参加了相扑比赛,他赢了。The same day O-nami entered the wrestling contests and won.

在日本我去看了世界级相扑冠军赛。While in Tokyo I attended the sumo wrestling world championship.

不同于任何其它运动,相扑运动绝对吸引人。Unlike any other sport, sumo wrestling is absolutely fascinating.

的确,相扑作为日本的国技,已经不仅仅是单纯的体育项目。Indeed, the sumo as Japan's national sport, has more than mere sport.

相扑运动中,身体的脂肪和头上的发髻为摔跤起了缓冲的作用,这是源自17世纪的风尚。Falls are cushioned by body fat and topknot, a fashion dating from the 1600s.

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甚至数字玩家被发现操控日本相扑比赛。Number-crunchers have even uncovered match-fixing in Japanese sumo wrestling.

在相扑锦标赛期间,相扑火锅专门选用鸡肉为主料。During sumo tournaments, this hot pot is served exclusively with chicken meat.

但在日本,这被成为相扑——他们的民族运动,有着极大的自豪和悠久传统。In Japan it is called sumo and the national sport, one of great pride and tradition.

我看到相扑选手仪式性的向场上撒盐,真是太神奇了。It was amazing, the moment the sumo wrestlers threw the ceremonial salt into the air.

类似于此的重视被认为是作为日本国技的相扑的标志性象征。Such regard is emblematic of sumo's stature as kokugi, the "national sport" of Japan.

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新手依惯例将在15岁时进入如封建世界般等级森严的相扑场。A novice will typically enter the almost feudalistic world of the sumo stable at age 15.

相扑士可以拽拉对手的化妆围裙,但不能拽拉裆部的布带。Each may grab and pull his opponent's mawashi belt, but not the strap girding the groin.

神社坐落在他用先前撒好的用来让相扑士蹭脚的沙子垒的土包上。It sits on a mound he formed from sand spread earlier to allow wrestlers' feet to slide.

相扑料理叫做相扑火锅。Sumo cuisine is called chanko, and the particular dish that we had is called soppu daki.

日本的相扑运动员通常被视作新陈代谢健康型肥胖的例证。Japanese sumo wrestlers are often used as a popular example of metabolically healthy obese.

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一度得到天皇嘉许的相扑,可以溯源至近1500年前。Once supported by the patronage of emperors, sumo has roots going back nearly 1, 500 years.

据说,许多有意接受训练成为相扑选手的新成员在获知斋藤俊的死讯后纷纷抽身而退。Some who planned to train as wrestlers are said to have pulled out after Tokitaizan's death.

横纲,是最高级别的相扑运动员穿他们的头发在风情的银杏叶。Yokozuna , the highest ranking Sumo wrestlers wear their hair in the style of a Gingko leaf.