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是啊,她那叫升华。Yes, she was sublimating.

这个过程是升华。This is called sublimation.

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艺术是现实生活的升华。Art is the distillation of life.

对于升华和蒸发。For sublimation. Or vaporization.

升华了全城市的喧哗。Sublimating the noise of the city.

然后你总结一句,“这叫升华。And then you say, "That's sublimation.

例如,有一种叫做升华的防御机制。So, for instance, there's sublimation.

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从更深刻的融合中升华。Of something far more deeply interfused.

浪漫是真实生活感觉的升华。Romance is a heightened sense of reality.

将性冲动升华为艺术。The erotic impulse is sublimated into art.

欲望可以升华为美妙的诗。Desires can be sublimated into fine poetry.

这就是跟「升华」截然的不同。This is the whole difference to sublimation.

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褶饰就是对立体化处理过程的升华。Ruching is the high level process of draping.

这个问题其实在问什么是升华?The question is sort of, what is sublimation?

升华和移置相同吗?Do you define sublimation as being displacement?

工作应该使人格升华,它不应扼杀人格魅力。Work should ennoble, not kill, the human spirit.

才会有丑的升华。美的萌生。Will have ugly distillation. Beautiful initiation.

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升华是否属于移置的一种形式?Does that make it sort of a subgroup of displacement?

全身心哪都奔向你,一路升华走永生。Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity.

这种升华可能骇人,不过并不超常。The sublime may be frightening, but it is not uncanny.