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到时叫醒我。Wake me up in time.

那太好了。到时见。That's good. See you then.

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是的,我会的。到时见!Yeah, I will. See you then!

如果到时我没醒的话,请叫醒我。Call me if I don't wake up in time.

到时等您来取票。The tickets will be waiting for you.

来宾到时,把他引上楼来。When the guest arrives, bring him up.

到时阿瑞梭莎在新河也会脸红。Then Arethusa will redden a new river.

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他会去里昂,到时看情况而定。He will travel to Lyon and we will see.

好的。我到时过去。回头见。Okay. I'll be over them. See you later.

到时将有许多的志愿者。There will be lots of volunteer helpers.

如果到时我没醒,请叫醒我。If I don't wake up in time, please call me.

到时你就会有一个很自然的鹰钩鼻。You'll have a very natural Roman nose then.

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查理和米勒到时都必须出席。Both Sheen and Mueller are required to attend.

到时我可能会被卖掉当白奴?I'm not getting sold into white slavery, am I?

考试在沃克楼,请务必到时去沃克楼。It's in Walker, so make sure you go to Walker.

表演时间到时,华伦达走进表演区。When it’s time to perform, he enters the zone.

我们到时适值雨季。We happened to arrive there in the rainy season.

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到时可否派人上来帮我提一下行李?。Can you send a bellboy up for my luggage by then?

不用,带你的人就好,希望到时能见到你。No, just bring yourself. I hope to see you there.

他深知生命的主宰不在我们﹔他知道上帝决定时候已到时﹐即是他归天日。He knew he would die when God decided it was time.