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他患支气管炎卧病在床。He was in bed with bronchitis.

他患麻疹而卧病在床。A case of measles kept him in bed.

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麻烦的是家父正卧病在床。The trouble is that my father is ill in bed.

上周我重伤风,只好卧病在床。I had to take to my bed with a bad cold last week.

海伦至少已经卧病两个月了。Helen has been sick in bed for at least two months.

由于他卧病在床,什么事都需要人伺候。Confined to bed, he needed to be waited on in everything.

由于卧病在床,她什么事都需要人伺侯。Confined to bed, she needed to be waited on in everything.

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约翰于去年一月染疾,现仍卧病不起。John got sick last January and has been in bed since then.

我们往往只有在卧病在床时,才会想到健康的重要。When we are bed-ridden, we remind the importance of health.

卧病在床一星期后,简的脸色看起来有些苍白。After being sick in bed for a week, Jane still looked pallid.

卧病在床一礼拜后,简的脸色看起来仍旧有些苍白。After being sick in bed for a week, Jane still looked pallid.

1836年,精神完全崩溃,卧病在床六个月。In 1836, the spirit of complete collapse of the bed for six months.

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她丈夫的敌人,卧病在床的约尔科国王珀利阿斯也要经历这一过程。Her husband’s enemy, the elderly and bedridden King Pelias, is next.

一些人,大约十个吧,去看望了卧病在床的老教师。Some people approximately ten went to visit the old teacher ill in bed.

林肯总统卧病在床,没有几个人可以去看望他,天花是一种可以传染的危险病。Few visitors could see him. There was a danger the smallpox could spread.

他俨然已经卧病不起了,而我仍是那个需要默默承受住这一切,并保持坚强的人。He was bedridden. I still had to be the strong one and keep everything in.

我的父亲长期卧病在床,在那三年之间经常进出医院急诊室。He remained sick and in and out of emergency rooms over the next three years.

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艾伦和小凯西回到家,艾伦卧病在床了好几周。They return home where Ellen is confined to bed with illness for a few weeks.

在我卧病在床期间,他们中的一些来看我,并帮助我学习功课。During my stay in bad, some of them came to see me and helped me with wy lessons.

尸检发现病人还患过结核病。一般用来表示“患……病而卧床”或“卧病在床”。On necropsy the patient was found to have been infected with tuberculosis as well.