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但是,敲定这次谈话花了斯科蒂六个月的准备时间。Butt nailing the talk took months of preparation.

但是,敲定这次谈话花了斯科蒂六个月的准备时间。But nailing the talk took months of preparation. Ms.

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然而,最终敲定协议可能需要一年时间。However, any agreement could take up to a year to finalise.

利兹教练西蒙·格雷森希望能够尽快敲定这笔交易。Elland Road boss Simon Grayson is interested and hopes to seal a deal.

这些知情者透露,廖凯原只是希望能在上海敲定一份公平的交易。Instead, these people said, Mr. Leo merely wanted a fair deal in Shanghai.

经济学家预测美联储官员将会在那次会议最终敲定这一计划。Economists predict Fed officials will decide on that program at that meeting.

我今天晚上需要给杰西卡打电话,敲定明天晚上我们约会这件事。I need to call Jessica today to square away the plans for our date tomorrow night.

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对于国家安全顾问这个职位,我敲定桑迪·伯杰,不另选他人。I didn’t consider anyone other than Sandy Berger for the job of national security advisor.

因苏亚应该正在伊斯坦布尔敲定合同的细节然后参加体检。Insua is thought to be in Istanbul finalising the details of the deal and undergoing a medical.

新总经理,唐尼?沃什,看起来敲定由迈克?德安东尼作为他们的新总教练。The new GM, Donnie Walsh, as they appeared to have landed Mike D'Antoni as their new head coach.

交易还未最终敲定,但不论Shinn还是Chouest都拒绝谈论目前的讨论情况。A final sale is still pending, however, and both Shinn and Chouest have declined to discuss the holdup.

九月的最后一天,叶落还未敲定终场,金秋的十月已经到来。September's last day of the leaves were gone not yet finalized at an end, autumn has arrived in October.

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有趣的是,这将鼓励风投迅速敲定交易。Interestingly enough, this should encourage the VC to work expeditiously on getting the transaction done.

东京政府为自己制订了在5月底之前敲定基地搬迁计划的最后期限,目前时间已所剩无几。Tokyo is quickly nearing its self-imposed end-of-May deadline for cementing a plan for moving the troops.

在拥挤的拍卖会场,随着小锤敲定358成交,这个芭比娃娃绝非你之前见到那样。auction room the bidding was brisk for lot 358, a Barbie doll quite unlike any you have ever seen before.

不过报导提到,戴尔尚未敲定这些计画,且仍有可能放弃.报导并未详述相关细节.However, Dell has not finalized its plans and may still abandon them, the Journal added without elaborating.

港口起步区的选址和建设方案敲定后,要加快推进。Starting location of the port area and construction program after finalizing , it is necessary to accelerate.

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米兰以和罗纳尔多达成一致,并且正处于敲定这宗买卖的最后时刻。Milan have reached an agreement with Ronaldo and are in the final stages of sealing the deal with Real Madrid.

这种映射为敲定需求和分析、设计工作流程提供了一个开头。This mapping provides a head start for nailing down the requirements and for the analysis and design workflows.

除了没有最后敲定外,其他所有转会谈判工作已经完成,但里尔找不到一个合适的球员引进来代替哈扎德,因此无法如愿完成交易。Negotiating had all but been done but Lille didn't have a suitable player to come in for Hazard so it fell short.