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有朝一日要出海!三顽童举杯结兄弟!To The Sea Someday! The Pledge of the Three Brats!

各界可爱大顽童,欢迎前来玩物励志。Welcome all lovely kidults to come, to play and be inspired.

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但我讨厌狗,不多闲扯了,这是个顽童戏猫的场景I hate dogs, but anyway, this is children playing with a cat.

一个以前常在那里看见他的顽童,停下来观望着。An urchin who had frequently seen him before, stopped to gaze.

死前才知道顽童即是黄教所要寻找的灵童。Before he died just know that perennial of what to look for is situated boy.

丹死时,他曾与之为友的顽童们都在主要悼丧者之列。When Dan died, the wayward boys he had befriended were among the chief mourners.

这个国家和这个世界,就像一群你争我抢的顽童,必须管束组织起来。The nation and the world are a bunch of jostling wards that have to be knit together.

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四月,仿佛是个顽童,用繁花在尘土上写下难懂的字,然后把它们抹掉并忘记。April, like a child, write hieroglyphs on dust with flowers, wipes them away and forgets.

清晨,雾从海岸边涌来,两只棕熊像顽童般嬉闹。In early morning mist that rolls in from the coast, two brown bears tussle like teenagers.

四月,仿佛是顽童,用繁花在尘土上写下难懂的字,然后将它们抹掉并忘记。April, like a child, writhes hieroglyphs on dust with flowers, wipes them away and forgets.

夏天是个灿烂的季节,阳光像调皮的顽童,他们热情的散播欢笑。Summer, a brilliant season, with sunshine like naughty boys scattering their glowing laughers.

顽童三人成天玩耍,欺哄拐骗样样精通,但生性却是善良灵巧。All three sawyer play, deceiving abducted to master everything, but naturally is kind dexterity.

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他的精心表演常常令我回想起在那不勒斯遇到的一个顽童。In the midst of his polished exhibitions was often reminded of an urchin i had once seen in naples.

准备好迎接狄更生式的,包含积雪、街头顽童和穿着马甲的绅士的轻松情节。Prepare yourself for a Dickensian romp complete with snow, street urchins and gentlemen in waistcoats.

这个顽童在一群英国旅游客人面前用明显下流的动作可笑地蹦蹦跳跳着。The boy was capering dersively, with obscene unambiguous gestures, before a party of english tourists.

贾伯斯的个性是出了名的严苛,被视为是矽谷的头号顽童。Known for his demanding personality, Steve Jobs is considered Silicon Valley's original enfant terrible.

夏天是个灿烂的季节,阳光像调皮的顽童,他们热情的散播欢笑。Summer is a brilliant season, the mischievous childlike sunshine, spreading laugher all around actively.

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途中被顽童掷石戏弄嘲笑,但铁彪并没有发怒吭声,只低着头默然忍受。By the way the imp cast a stone mock ridicule, but iron and not to anger puma stuff, only low head was bear.

几十年前,当我还是一个在故乡的草地上放牧牛羊的顽童时,就开始了阅读生涯。Several decades ago, when I was just a countryside urchin raising cattle and sheep, I began my reading life.

然而,倘若把狗狗换成猫咪,指不定就被那个10岁顽童剪断了绳子,并被人们贴上老头的标签。But when it comes to kittens, we're supposed to have cut the cord by age 10 and reattached it around age 100.