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您介意吃养殖鱼吗?Don't mind a farmed fish?

添加新蔵养殖厂!Added new Kura farming plant!

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蔬菜是在田园生长还是温室养殖?Farm-fresh or greenhouse grown?

这是在网走小山的养殖果园。A orchard on the hills of Abashiri.

沙田养殖龙虾行不行?。Does sand flat cultivation lobster go?

病人是一名18岁男子,牛养殖者。He was an 18-year-old man, a cattle breeder.

大多数商业化养殖的猪都是杂交种。Most commercial pigs are crosses or hybrids.

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模拟野生养殖的高丽参在夏天种植。Wild-simulated ginseng is planted in the fall.

鸡养殖者可供大规模生产的“完美”鸡Breeders 'Perfect' Chickens for Mass Production

Schreibman把这种方法称作都市水产养殖。Schreibman calls this method urban aquaculture.

淡水农业和海水养殖的“蓝色革命”正在以指数方式增长。The 'blue revolution' of freshwater aquaculture

牡蛎和贻贝筏式养殖和碎壳床养殖raft and cultch culture of oysters and mussels.

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现在也有一些鱼苗孵化场可以人工养殖鱼类。Now are also hatcheries in which fish are farmed.

中国天津贾立明蚯蚓养殖有限公司。Tianjin China Liming Jia Earthworm Farm CO. , Ltd.

连云港哪里有养殖土元的啊?Where does Lianyungang have breeding yuan of soil?

“他们不相信水产养殖,”斯波恩说。"They don't believe in aquaculture, " Sporns says.

但他们两人均认为养殖乳鸽需要耗费大量食物。Both men said it takes a lot of food to raise squab.

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对不起,我虽然造成养殖鱼死亡的,他想。I am sorry that I killed the fish though, he thought.

当地社区发展计划水产养殖。Aquaculture for local community development programme.

第二章介绍了我国外向型海水养殖业。Chapter two introduces our export oriented mariculture.