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你有送洗的衣物吗?Do you have any laundry?

在衣物烘干机中找到钱。Finding cash in the dryer.

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有衣物送洗服务吗?。Is there a laundry service?

选择那些不起皱褶的衣物。Choose wrinkle-free clothes.

我送洗的衣物尚未洗好。My laundry is not ready yet.

你今天洗熨过衣物吗?。Did you do the laundry today?

我们捐赠食品和衣物。We give out food and clothing.

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苏希告诉我她们可以提供衣物。Susie told me they had loaners.

打搅了,请问衣物存放处在哪?Excuse me,where's the cloakroom?

本星期的洗熨衣物不多。Theres not much laundry this week.

她把洗的衣物夹在凉衣绳上。She pegged the washing on the line.

本星期的洗熨衣物不多。There is not much laundry this week.

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我送洗的衣物尚未洗好吗?Unit 19 My laundry is not ready yet?

我来收取要洗的衣物。The laundryman is here to collect it.

我喜欢穿衬衫和针织的衣物。I like to wear dress shirts and knits.

我真的从来都没有在意过洗熨衣物等家务事。I really don't mind doing the laundry.

风给洗过的衣物盖上一层尘土。The wind coated the washing with dust.

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这衣箱装得下我所有的衣物吗?Will the suitcase hold all my clothes?

用冷水清洗带颜色的衣物。Use cold water to wash colored clothes.

这只衣箱装得下我所有的衣物吗?。Will this suitcase hold all my clothes?