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加入香草香精和食盐。Add the vanilla and salt.

减少摄入食盐量可以降低血压。Less salt can meana lower blood pressure.

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同时,食盐供应也在减少。In the meantime, the salt supply dwindles.

较低的食盐量意味着血压更低。Less salt can mean a lower blood pressure.

那么,大家应该怎样控制食盐摄取量呢?What can you do about your own salt intake?

面粉,烤粉和食盐混合过筛到盆里。Sift together flour, baking powder and salt.

真对不起了,我看走眼了,我把食盐当成白糖了。I'm terribly sorry. I took the salt for sugar.

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购买低钠食品来减少食盐的摄入You buy low-sodium products to cut down on salt

是因为食盐将水的熔点和冰点降低了。It lowers the melting and freezing point of water.

用食盐、大蒜、葱给鸡块调味。Season the chicken with salt, garlic and scallions.

食盐通常经由自然商道运销各地。Salt was usually shipped along natural trade routes.

马鸿逵的食盐专运专销办法可谓举世无双。Ma Hung-Kuei's method of salt distribution was unique.

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用电导法测定食盐中氯化钠的含量。Determination of sodium chloride in salt by conductance.

因为这是在嘲笑聚会主人在你的食物里食盐放少了。It's insulting to your host to sprinkle salt on your food.

所以,用食盐可以帮助清除棉织物上的酒渍。So use salt to help remove wine stains from cotton fabric.

蛋白加入一小撮食盐,打至硬身全发。Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and beat until stiff.

食盐样本是如何受到污染的,其原因依然不明。It is still unknown how the salt samples were contaminated.

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四川泡菜中,食盐、花椒、辣椒是必不可少的调味品。Sichuan pickles, salt, pepper, chili seasoning is essential.

然后加入面粉,巧克力粉,发酵粉和食盐。After that, add the flour, chocolate, baking powder, and salt.

然而,并非所有的食盐抢购者都是出于防辐射的目的。But not all salt-buyers were looking for radiation protection.