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硝酸—愈合流血处和开裂处Nitric acid – helps heal bleeding and cracking

硝酸咪康唑可用于妊娠期感染。Miconazole nitrate may be used during pregnancy.

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易水解生产碱式硝酸铋。Easily hydrolyze to produce basic bismuth nitrate.

硝酸分子以氢键互相连结。Nitric acid molecules are linked by hydrogen bonds.

硝酸离子有四个基频形式。The nitrate ion has four fundamental modes of vibration.

叠氨化银不溶于水或硝酸。Silver azide does not dissolve in water or in nitric acid.

将菌落影印接种在硝酸纤维素滤膜上。The colonies are replica-plated onto nitrocellulose filters.

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硝酸可以腐蚀黄铜里铜原子。Nitric acid has the effect of eating away the copper in brass.

硝酸钡拌硫磺再点缀以木炭。Barium nitrate in a sauce of sulfur and garnished with charcoal.

用戊二醛处理硝酸纤维素膜可以增强蛋白吸附。Glutaraldehyde can strengthen the conjugation of NCF with protein.

酚类和酰基苯胺能被极稀的硝酸硝化。Phenols and anilides can be nitrated with very dilute nitric acid.

利用报废的液体推进剂硝酸-27S和乙醛制备乙二醛。Glyoxal is prepared with waste liquid propellant HNO3-27S and ethanal.

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亚硝酸酯与过氧化烷基反应,得到烷基硝酸酯。Nitrous esters can react with alkyl peroxides to yield alkyl nitrates.

目的介绍一种制备硝酸咪康唑乳膏的新方法。Objective To introduce a new method to prepare miconazole nitrate cream.

叔丁醇或硝酸根的加入对MNZ的降解起抑制作用。Addition of tert-butanol or nitrate showed inhibition on MNZ degradation.

实验结果表明,温度和硝酸铅加入量对铬黄的生成有显著的影响。At last, chrome yellow was formed after excessive lead nitrate was added.

硝酸环己酯是一种有效的柴油十六烷值改进剂。Cyclohexyl nitrate is an effective cetane number improver for diesel oil.

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对硝酸铈铵复盐的制备工艺进行了研究。The technology for the preparation of ammonium cerium nitrate is studied.

硝酸铈铵是一种选择性良好,具有多方面用途的试剂。Ammonium ceric nitrate is a reagent with good selectivity and multiple uses.

荞麦皮经稀硝酸处理后,从滤液中得到一种透明的针状晶体。Oxalic acid was obtained by treating buckwheat husks with dilute nitric acid.