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月色皎美令她陶醉。The beauty of the moon ensorcelled her.

陪伴著柠檬月色迷迷濛濛。Keeping company the hazy lemon Moonlight.

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今晚我在这儿凝望月色莹白。So here I am staring at the moon tonight.

是谁温暖了天光,又是谁把月色点亮?Who climes the daylight? Who lights the moon?

对我唱月色撩人,吻我似心神俱失And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.

堆起来的土在月色下看起来更加漆黑。The heaped soil looked very dark in the moonlight.

可曾见过高大的波罗莫,在月色下在星光里?Have you seen Boromir the Tall by moon or by starlight?

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月色皎洁,汉瑟和葛丽特慢慢地走。The moon is very bright. Hansel and Gretel walk slowly.

三五夜中新月色,二千里外故人心。Thirty-five the new moon night, two miles away so people.

他看看湖四周,月色下,看不到别的鱼民或船只。No other fishermen or boats were in sight in the moonlight.

月色好比雪白的乳汁,在地面泛出瓷质样的光彩。Moonlight like white milk, ground porcelain-like luster glow.

残月朦胧,很快氤氲的月色已经被一朵黑漆漆的云给遮住了。The moon is dim, and soon her moon has been a dark cloud obscured.

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只有在这里,您才能看到梦境中的月色荷塘。Only here can you find the dreamlike moonlight over the lotus pond.

她爱大自然的美,尤爱皎洁的月色。She loves the beauty of nature, especially love the bright moonlight.

在月色如水的秋夜,窗外正在进行着热闹的音乐会。Water in the moonlight autumn night, the window being a lively concert.

月色下你还能为你的女友准备什么呢?。What else would you offer to your girlfriend under the moon in Sorrento?

没有月色的夜里,萤火虫用心点亮漫天的星。The glowworms light the stars all over the sky in the night without moon.

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月色下,四层骑楼上爬满了黑衣的杀人凶器!The moonlight, four layers overhang was crawling with black murder weapon!

在月色廖己的日表,我非如此的惦记你,敬爱的你听到尔的口跳了吗?My dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight?I miss you so.

在月色撩人的夜里,我是如此的想念你,亲爱的,你听到我的心跳吗?My dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight? I miss you so.