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他们在饭馆外设置纠察。They picketed the restaurant.

工人在工厂大门口设了纠察线。The workers picketed the factory gates.

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他在学校大楼外担任纠察员。He picketed outside the school building.

工会的一些会员不想担任罢工纠察员。Some of the union members did not want to picket.

三五成群的人在学校大楼外担任纠察。Small gatherings picketed outside the school buildings.

反动警察用武力赶走了罢工纠察队员们。The reactionary police cleared out the pickets by force.

于是,作家们终于忍无可忍了,他们涌上街头,发起抗议游行和罢工纠察,甚至还跟警方大打出手。And so the writers took to the streets. They were marching, picketing.

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为了镇压罢工,老板们派出一队防暴纠察。To put down the strike, the bosses have sent out a troop of riot pickets.

通常还有其他武器的支持它,如设立纠察线,和实行抵制活动。It is frequently supported by other weapons, such as picketing and boycott.

为了镇压罢工,老板们派出一队防暴纠察。To put down the strike, the bosses hae sent out a troop of riotous pickets.

韦斯特博罗教会成员纠察高调的葬礼,以促进他们的信仰。Westboro church members picket high-profile funerals to promote their beliefs.

唯一你飞行纠察队员看从窗口在它的喜欢之上爱故事。Only You---Flying Pickets Looking from the window above Its like a story of love.

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纠察人员,即使那些蛮横的群众集结去威吓他们,也不允许自己被激怒。The pickets did not allow themselves to be provoked, despite the unruly crowds that gathered to hector them.

纠察人员,纵使那些蛮横的群众集结去威逼他们,也不准许本身被激怒。The pickets did not permit themselves to be provoked despite the unruly crowds that gathered to hector them.

警察试图阻止纠察队员往来于约克郡和诺丁汉,此举引来众多抗议。Police attempted to stop pickets travelling between Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire, an action which led to many protests.

前罢工矿工声称,士兵被当作警察出现在纠察线上,但没有证据表明有士兵充任警察。Former striking miners have alleged that soldiers were used as police on the picket lines, though no evidence of this has been produced.

学生纠察总长张健来自北京体育学院,由于过度疲劳而在崔健的摇滚乐晚会上睡著了。May 26th. Student leader Zhang Jian, from Beijing College of Athletic Education, fell in sleep out of fatigue at a rock-n-roll concert performed by Cui Jian.

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马龙来到赵政委家中,谭捷仔细地向马龙说明了即将成立纠察大队的情况,马龙一时拿不定主意,他对17师的感情不可谓不深厚。Malone Zhao Zhengwei home to Tan Jie carefully explained to Malone will set up a picket brigade, Malone make up our minds, his feelings for 17 division is not strong.

“古铁雷斯补充道,“任何缔约方会议在此状态下,由总检察长向美国联邦调查局和纠察,年轻的警长,警长会告诉你,他们最欣赏的是Dupnik。”" Adds Gutierrez, "Any cop in this state, from the attorney general to the U. S. marshals to the FBI and young sheriffs, will tell you the sheriff they admire most is Dupnik.