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交通阻塞。Traffic blocking.

该运河阻塞不通。The canal is blocked.

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那海港被淤泥阻塞了。The harbour has silted up.

阻塞,塞满,堆满。To block, congest, or clog.

他可能遇上交通阻塞了。Maybe he in the traffic jam.

更换空气滤清器阻塞。Replace clogged air filters.

鼻腔阻塞。obstructed nasal passageway.

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不要阻塞超车道。Don't block the passing lane.

交通阻塞长达一英里。Traffic backed up for a mile.

拥挤的车辆阻塞了道路。Heavy traffic blocked the road.

隔离带和瓦砾阻塞了街道。Barriers and debris blocked streets.

淋巴管受纤维蛋白阻塞。Lymphatics are occluded with fibrin.

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风路不阻塞,易于操作。No wind path blocking easy to operate.

喂入罗拉装置运行阻塞。Obstruction in the feed roller movement.

否则当前线程就进入阻塞状态。Otherwise, the current thread is blocked.

由于交通阻塞,我们误了飞机。Because of bad traffic, we missed our plane.

自我阻塞就是自取灭亡。Self barricading is to court one's own ruin.

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那部车子蜿蜒挤过交通阻塞的道路。The car corkscrewed through the traffic jam.

不使用的出口用堵头阻塞。And insert a plug in the outlet no more used.

“阻塞事件”并未局限于俄罗斯。Blocking events are not restricted to Russia.