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诸如此类。And on and on.

他说了诸如此类的很多话et cetera, et cetera.

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诸如此类,不胜枚举。Okay, and so on and so on.

以及所有诸如此类的问题。All of those sorts of things.

诸如此类,这是怎么实现的呢And so on. How's that operate?

诸如此类的论调喧嚣一时。Such a talk created quite a stir.

你雇佣厨师或者做诸如此类的事情。You hire cooks and that sort of stuff.

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或者贪得无厌、自私自利、冷漠无情,诸如此类。Or greedy, selfish, uncaring, or whatever.

麻雀和喜鹊,诸如此类的鸟类。Sparrows and magpies, those kind of things.

诸如此类的碰撞并非只是好奇趋使。And such encounters are not just a curiosity.

诸如此类的事例俯拾皆是。Instances such as these are extremely common.

修建医院和诸如此类的事。and you know, opens hospitals and everything.

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养蜜蜂,制作蜂蜜,诸如此类的事情。keep bees, make honey, all that kind of thing.

或者仅仅是到公园里闲逛,诸如此类的事情。Or just like hang out in the park or something.

诸如此类的问题,对于SEO来说是一个比较庞大的问题。The problem of such, to SEO it is a huger issue.

而市场本来可以纠正诸如此类的问题。The market, however, corrects issues such as that.

金妮慕恋的心冰结了、破碎了,诸如此类。Loving heart of Ginevra frozen, or whatever, broken.

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现在闭上眼睛或者做诸如此类的事。HTU 1225 Now shut your eyes or whatever it is you do.

他们痛恨媒体,厌恶国会,诸如此类。They hate the press, they loathe Congress, and so on.

甜美委婉的音乐流入我们耳中,但诸如此类的还有很多!It is sweet, sweet music to our ears. But there’s more!